What we eat and when we eat it has a direct relationship with our body weight, energy and our sleep quality and through chrononutrition we can study how the different schedules in which we eat can affect them.
So that our … Habits of intakes in terms of schedules, they can also be crucial to our health, since biological rhythms can improve or worsen our well -being in general.
The Chrononutrition Study how our metabolism responds differently to the foods we consume according to the time of the day they are ingested. Our body is like a clock that follows circadian rhythms that direct and regulate digestion processes, hormone release and nutrient absorption. Eating ‘A tempo’ with these rhythms can improve our metabolic health and avoid diseases.
How can you impact when we eat on weight
According to numerous studies, food schedule influence weight regulation. For example:
Breakfast early and not skip breakfast will improve metabolism and avoid declines of sugar that incite us to pican unhealthy foods during the day.
Eating most of the calories in the first half of the day helps us to check the weight, especially if we compare it with the consumption of more abundant dinners.
Sucite earlier is associated with a lower risk of overweight and obesity and improves the burning of fats during the night.

What would be the ideal schedules
1. Breakfast (07:00 – 09:00 h)
Start the day with a balanced meal and the necessary nutrients improves metabolic function.
It influences a higher energy expenditure throughout the day.
To achieve this we must include quality proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.
2. Food (12:00 – 14:00 h)
It is recommended that it be the main food of the day, the one with the greatest energy contribution. Macronutrients are better assimilated in this time slot.
We must include fiber, lean proteins and healthy fats for a good nutritional balance.
3. Snack (16:00 – 18:00 h)
It can be perfect to avoid night peck. We can include fruits, nuts or natural yogurt. Avoiding processed foods and rich in added sugars.
4. Dinner (19:00 – 21:00 h)
A lighter dinner is recommended to favor rest and digestion. Avoid foods rich in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. You have to include lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats.
As for sleep quality, meal schedule is also important, since dinner late and more copious meals can cause heavy digestions and interfere with melatonin production and for example, the consumption of complex carbohydrates at dinner favors relaxation and rest, since they influence a greater production of this melatonin that favors sleep induction. In addition, it must be remembered that the consumption of alcohol or drinks with caffeine at the last minute of the day can worsen the quality of sleep.
Strategies to improve energy with chrononutrition
– Avoid long hours of fasting: Eating at regular schedules stabilizes blood glucose levels and avoids energy falls that incite us to eat unhealthy foods.
– Consume more calories in the first part of the day: This will support us greater vitality and better mental performance.
– Early and light dinner: It will influence a better night recovery and reduces the risk of inflammatory processes ..
Adapting meals schedules to natural biological rhythms can improve our metabolism, helping weight loss and improving rest. So we can see chrononutrition as an effective strategy to improve general health and maintain an optimal energy balance. Do you dare to make these little changes?
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