With this gesture, Maria De Filippi wanted to celebrate the long and fruitful career of her husband Maurizio Costanzo, the unforgotten journalist.
Maria De Filippi had announced the organization of an important event to commemorate her late husband Maurizio Costanzo, who passed away just a year ago at the age of 84. The queen of “Amici” – and of Mediaset, we can say – had proposed the creation of a special television program dedicated to an icon of Italian television, as well as her husband.
For this program the presenter television decided to involve artists and well-known television personalities as guests. The program was designed to honor the well-known journalist and the program dedicated to Maurizio Costanzo was broadcast on the evening of Tuesday 20 February, on Canale 5. Here's what was talked about.
This is something innovative in the Mediaset offices. Maria De Filippi had made a surprising statement regarding the return of the iconic show. It is in fact a Maurizio Costanzo Show very special.
The commemoration of Maurizio Costanzo, the journalist who marked the history of Italian television and who “invented” the talk show format, unfolded through testimonies, words and memories. The event proposed by Maria De Filippi consisted of a special episode of the program already very successful in the many years of her husband's hosting.

With this gesture, Maria De Filippi wanted to celebrate the long and fruitful career of her husband Maurizio Costanzo. The journalist began his career way back in 1956, working in small newsrooms. First that of the newspaper 'Paese Sera', subsequently moving on to the 'Corriere Mercantile'.
Maurizio, an eclectic figure, dedicated himself to writing, also creating the lyrics for the song “Se Telefonando” together with Ghigo De Chiara. In addition to musicCostanzo became passionate about cinemadiscovering Paolo Villaggio and contributing to Ettore Scola's films.

Finally, remaining in history, he created a type of program destined to become very popular. The Maurizio Costanzo Show it gave space to famous people as well as ordinary people, tackling both high and light topics. The program, over the decades, has given viewers a multi-faceted portrait of Italian reality. Maria De Filippi strongly wanted to “bring back” the program to celebrate this show that it is remained in the hearts of Italians.
In commemoration of her husband, one year after his death, the author of “Friends” decided to celebrate his memory with Dedicated to Maurizio Costanzo right at the Parioli theater, on the same stage as her husband for forty seasons.
The guests who will make their appearance in this extraordinary edition include Fabio Fazio, Enrico Mentana, Michele Santoro, Paolo Bonolis, Rosario Fiorello, Mara Venier, Carlo Verdone, Renzo Arbore, Vittorio Sgarbi, Luciana Littizzetto, Giobbe Covatta, Enzo Iacchetti, Christian De Sica, Platinette, Massimo Lopez, Ricky Memphis, Dario Vergassola, Rita Dalla Chiesa, Pino Strabioli and Vladimir Luxuria.
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