Mamen García, the folder and actress who embodies the Miss Lunatic of Martín Gaite: “I stopped folding porn because I was dizzy of so much panting”

Mamen García is an actress that the public wants, capable of causing a smile in the viewer as soon as it appears, it doesn’t matter in theater, cinema or television. Valencian, curious and fighter, Work has just released at the Teatro de la Abadía de Madrid. The piece, directed by Lucia Miranda, is an adaptation of one of the books most beloved by the readers of Carmen Martín Gaite, Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan. The actress plays Miss Lunatic, a magical and Discolo character who feels like a glove.

But the life of this actress, who began singing in the Chinese neighborhood of Barcelona in the eighties, has been a teson and upholstered sway. Mamen today stops her down the street, “especially young people,” he tells this newspaper, and reminds him of his protection role Ladies of (H) AMPAfrom the Marquise in The one that is coming or grandmother in the musical Billy Elliot. But the career of this portentous actress who already combs 78 gray hair was not always from Champagne and Rosas.

While the year 82 came to fame with his music group Patxinger Z In the remembered television program If I were president Fernando García Tola, then came years where his musical career did not take off. During the nineties he did everything, he recorded several solo albums, was the voice of the Jingle of Mercadona and managed to make a living with the dubbing. Among other activities. But everything changed in 2000 when the theater crossed in his life.

You came from music, arrived at the older theater.

Of course, I had my Patxinger Z group and my career as a singer -songwriter. Everything has come to me. I was psychiatrist meat, with the little case that musical producers did to me. Luckily I found the astrology that made me understand the world and allowed me not to be terrified on earth and know how to wait for the future without thinking that it has to be bad. I like to become.

In the 90s, when everything was worse, what did he live?

I was living, above all, of dubbing. A friend brought soft porn, and there I got. I left it because I was dizzy, there is no one who could with so much panting, I even fainted. There I was with ladies who made sock, well professional, who said, “wing, it’s time to gasp,” but I couldn’t. Then I made a lot of Valencian dubbing, even a pair of lauren Bacall movies.

Hard years?

A little, but at home I always said “one day I will leave and you will see.” In the dubbing came a time that only gave me old -fashioned papers, although I have a youth voice. And I told myself, “so my life has come to this, ending up folding four grandmothers in two months.” Thus, when the casting of the StainI went to Madrid and they took me.

The first musical that triumphed in Spain in 1997 with José Sacristán and Paloma San Basilio and directed by the remembered Gustavo Tambascio.

Gustavo adored him, is one of the most enlightened men I’ve met in my life, happening, fun … I felt a lot of death. He always told me, “Tell me, that you tell me about the stars and I pay much, you don’t know how I respect it.” He was as respectful as affectionate.

He has always said that it was with Tambascio that his career hit a change, that you clicks and saw that he could make a career as an actress, was it?

Yes, it was in the next show, we were rehearsing Memory (2000) with Gustavo and producer Enrique Salaberría. And one day playing the piano, because whenever I can I am playing, I touched the famous theme of the musical Sunset Boulevardwho premiered Glenn Close a few years ago based on the film The twilight of the gods of Gloria Swanson. I started singing As if we never say goodbye, that of “I Don’s Know Why I’M FRIGTENED …” And Gustavo told me: “But you have to sing this in the work.” And he spoke with Salaberria and insisted until he convinced him and that in the poster he went out with the singers.

And it was a success, right?

Yes, yes it was, I remember that one day in Alicante I fell my wig and sang with the skirt suit and the average … people left. It was thought that it was true, but sometimes things simply fall. It was a decisive moment, when I did that song was such enjoyment, I heard myself so well that I said: “My God, but if I serve this,” I started there with the musicals …

But you also lived one of the most effervescent moments of the Valencian Theater at the beginning of the century at MoMa Teatre. A space where one of the theatrical dives with more end of those years in Spain was given.

Yes, I worked a lot with director Carles Alfaro. We did works by Harold Pinter, Max Frisch or Christopher Durant. They even gave me prizes. They were very pretty years.

Very demanding papers theatrical. It is striking that it does not have a very academic training …

I? Nothing, nothing of academicisms. I learned in the Tola program that was live and they told me “He sings to the girl from the station”, and sang. I took a dress of my aunt Inés or what I had in my mother’s trunk of things that took me to the studio, put it on and sang. There I was already representing, that has helped me a lot, intuitively I had a lot of accumulated.

Now he plays Miss Lunatic, a whole character, who lives in the streets of New York, extravagant and mysterious, half fairy, half a witch, and that establishes a very special relationship with Sara, the duglocation of this story (Carolina Yuste), What can you tell us about your character?

It cost me to catch the point. When they offered me the role I reread Martín Gaite’s book and I told myself, “I fit me”, she is an atypical woman, who can leave you wherever, she is not just a Pordiostera, it is the bohemia, unpredictable. Then the character has taken more edges in the version of Lucia Miranda. From the beginning Lucia told me that Lunatic was also Carmen Martín Gaite.

Something easy, because since on stage it is not explained that there is that unfolding …

The change of vocal registration for people to understand is not easy. But it makes sense. When Carmen went to New York, six months after Marta, her daughter, needed to write that book to get out of that hell, but without forgetting that she was present. Lucia wanted to capture that in the work and I have to make people see. It is a very poetic moment, where the special world is present that they had a mother and daughter. Something that appears in another of his books The back room. I really want to see in the abbey the work that Emma Suárez is going to do of The back room In February.

In recent years there has been an important recovery of Martín Gaite’s work with new editions and even new publications. Soon it is going to post From daughter to mother, from mother to daughter, in which the author addresses the special relationship with her daughter, a philologist who died as a result of AIDS with 28 years. You, when did you start reading it?

I was 13 years old, I read the Nadal award that was given in 1957, Between curtains. I was internal in a school and found in it such an easy, so simple writing, and yet nothing basic. His literary style is that of a woman who thinks of the reader, who wants to be understood. Then I stopped reading it, I got snob and read all the cursed, but years ago I bought a house and the owner left his library and there appeared his books that I have been reading. It is incredible what he did, his books, but also his life as a woman, his strength.

You who have seen this Spain grow, who has seen how the situation of women has changed in society, what is still bothering?

They continue to fuck the inept, as the inept of Judge Adolfo Carretero who interrogated Elisa Mouliaá in the Errejón case. That this man is still active in the 21st century seems a lie, but it seems that it is convenient. I am also worried about the setback that we are living, for a few years I see that people seem to get into the shell, there is no openness, and I tell him that I lived the eighties. Young people are with their mobile all day, they don’t know that the world exists, only what they receive in the networks. In addition, there are people who do not want to change.

What do you mean?

It is true that we are in a very changing world, where we are now Todes or all and for older people it is difficult to understand. Look, I have two older sisters. One good, but the other seems to continue in the Falange Women’s Section. You have to know how to accept things. There are many who cost me, but I accept them if that does well. Now, Donald Trump’s Memo has occurred to him that you are a man or woman and point. But reality is not that. You can deny it and that everything happens to you like an avalanche or try to deal, understand and handle it diplomatically.

A reality that you keep browsing, the fuse does not run out …

No not at all. Now I am preparing a show with David Serrano, the director of Billy Elliot and The Book of Mormon. I begin by saying: “Good night, I’m Marta de la Cruz and I’m here because of some toast.” It is a show with which one theater and my facet as a singer -songwriter. I am happy, my son, Albert Sanz, who is a musician, also accompanies me. HE calls Until the end of the partyit We premiered on March 7 in Fuenlabrada. If it goes well, I hope to turn a lot.

#Mamen #García #folder #actress #embodies #Lunatic #Martín #Gaite #stopped #folding #porn #dizzy #panting

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