The ecosystem Fintech It rootes in Spain with force with Madrid as a great implementation pole. In the Spanish capital, 45% of national companies have set headquarters and attract the 51% of the national investment -And 2.2 billion dollars-, “standing out as strategic headquarters for Europe and Latin America,” according to Finnovating data, the global platform that connects 30,000 startups with companies and investors from different continents.
Madrid occupies the Cuarto worldwide in Fintech After London, Singapore and San Franciscocontributing to Spain has emerged as the second largest European pole, with more than 1,000 companies based in the country –698 of national origin-, according to your study.
The data reflects “not only the solidity of the sector Fintech In Spain, but also its future growth projection, “he says.” The combination of an innovative ecosystem, a favorable regulatory frame and a public-private collaboration network He places Spain and Madrid in a privileged position to continue leading the technological and financial transformation globally, “says Finnovating.
The Spanish capital has become a strategic nerve center for this industry also thanks to the support that initiatives such as the Fintech antenna and its softland program launched through the area of Government of Economics, Innovation and Finance of the City of Madrid through From Madrid Investment Attraction, his office of attraction of investment and international talent to the capital, and Finnovating, he says.
Spain in turn emerges as the SECOND HUB in Europe only surpassed by France. The largest focus of the almost 700 national companies is in the activity of loans, payments, cryptocurrencies, business financial management and heritage technology, largely thanks to the existence of a financial system, “which stands out for its size, digitalization and internationalization,” explains the study.
This situation has facilitated collaboration between the sector Fintech and the main financial entities in the market, “placing the country to the same level as the United Kingdom and France in Europe, and as one of the most advanced in the world in this regard. “
The increase in interest rates raised a serious challenge for the industry, by steeping financing and stopping in many cases the financing rounds. However, according to the study, the sector has shown a remarkable ability to adapt and sustained growth.
Worldwide, the Investment in Fintech It has grown 8% during the last year and the number of Fintech It barely fell 0.5% despite the strong consolidation of the sector. The study elevates a record of 117,000 million dollars the merger and purchase operations registered during the first semester of 2024, an exercise where the most important exits were also seen since the 2021 year.
#Madrid #emerges #fourth #hub #Fintech #London #Singapore #San #Francisco