According to the criteria of
Data Recruitment It was used with participants of all kinds in an area of 6.5 square kilometers. There were 750 people between the ages of 25 and 75, of whom 80% were white, 60% women, and the vast majority were between middle and low incomes.
In dialogue with NBC Newsone of the project managers, Aruni Bhatnagarsaid: “We are trying to see if we can lower heart disease rates in a community.” “There is no definitive proof,” Bhatnagar said. “But this is the strongest evidence of any study that has been done on trees and their relationship to health.”
For three years they dedicated themselves to planting trees
How the study of trees in the United States was carried out
The Researchers collected blood, urine, nail and hair samples, as well as health data, of each person before beginning his speech, in the year 2019. Then, From that year until 2022 they planted more than 9,000 trees and 45 different types of shrubs in the study area.
Between 2023 and 2024, They were in charge of taking new samples from the residentswhich revealed the following data: The study showed the strong connection between living in green places and physical health.
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