Hannah Montana, the character played by Miley Cyrus, is still valid in the hearts of those who watched this Disney Channel series, which had four seasons, between 2006 and 2011, and two movies. a revealer video of a young Latina in which she shares some locations where this character washas become a TikTok sensation.
For several years, Miley Cyrus gave life to Miley Stewart, a teenager from Tennessee with a double lifeOn the one hand, she is a normal person living in Malibu, California, and on the other, she is a super pop star named Hannah Montana. This series and the movies Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: The best of both worlds in concert and Hannah Montana: The Moviea, they are part of pop culture, as is clear on TikTok, where a video that reveals one of the most important locations in history has 142,800 views.
“POV: You go to Santa Monica Pier and all you can think is this…”says the video that shows the iconic entrance to the pier, to the rhythm of the song The best of both worlds, which was part of the series' soundtrack. This location appears in Hannah Montana: The Moviejust when Miley Cyrus' character is trying to protect her secret personality, while also trying to get to her best friend's birthday party.
To escape from a paparazzi and get to her friend's 16th birthday, Hannah Montana gets out of the limousine at the entrance to the Santa Monica Pier. However, by presenting herself in her famous personality, she outshines her friend, who tells her that she will never be able to forgive her and, still upset, talks to the journalist.
Nostalgia for Hannah Montana on TikTok
The young Latina content creator, whose name is Norbys Andreina, emphasized in her post “Santa Monica Pier: Impossible not to think of Hannah Montana”. At the moment, the video has accumulated 15,800 likes and more than a hundred comments full of nostalgia for the children's series.
The video published by the user @norbysrc, awakened the memories of many people on the platform, who They shared their excitement for Hannah Montana. “That? I went to Santa Monica and I didn't remember that the series was made there hahaha I have to go back”, “Someday I will go, I'll say it”, “It's beautiful, the whole time I was there that song was playing in my head”, were some from people's comments after looking at the viral post.
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