He kiwi It has become one of the most popular fruits in Spain with Multiple health benefits Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, fiber and minerals. Although the green kiwi is the easiest to find in the fruit shops, there is also its yellow variety or ‘Gold’, whose main difference in its appearance is the skin, much softer, and its golden color interior.
The flavor between both types of kiwi is also different, as Describe the Ministry of Agriculture. The green kiwi contains A juicy pulp “of very pleasant acid flavor”while the golden pulp of the ‘Gold’ variety is sweeter.
In addition to these differences, the health benefits they provide Nor are they exactly the sameas Renger Witkamp, Nutrition Professor at Wageningen University (Netherlands), details, In an article.
This expert argues that although in general terms it does not matter the variety you choose from Kiwi, Yellow contains more vitamin Cwith 135 milligrams per 100 grams, in front of the green variety. However, the green Kiwi continues to be very rich in this vitamin, 79 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams.
However, if what you want to improve is intestinal transit, the Best option would be the green kiwisince it contains a little more fiber (1.7 grams) than the yellow variety (1 gram).
The Ministry of Agriculture highlights, on the other hand, that “it is possible that the supposed beneficial effects for the health of this food are related to its antioxidant properties, attributable not only to vitamin C, but also to the existence of other bioactive substances that Avoid damage to DNAinduced by hydrogen peroxide, thus preventing the development of some diseases such as cancer. “
In any case, they continue, its benefits are clear: “Take kiwi Strengthens the immune systemacts as an antioxidant, fights high cholesterol levels and improves skin quality. “
The Kiwis are originating from Chinawhere for thousands of years they grew in a wild. There they were known as Yang-Tao, which means “Yang River fruit.” His cultivation began in that country about 300 years ago, and it would not be until early 1900 when its seed arrived in New Zealandwhere they developed the techniques to produce the characteristic kiwi that has reached our times. His current name proceeds in addition to the emblematic bird of New Zealand, with whom he keeps a certain resemblance.
In Spain it is usual to find kiwis in the market As of October and until Mayalthough there are other varieties that come from New Zealand and can also be consumed from the end of May to the beginning of November.
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