Do you also have the feeling that everyone is sick with the flu? Well, the data doesn’t say exactly that. In Spain the incidence is much better than last year at this time. The rate of people with flu syndrome registered in the monitoring system of the Carlos III Health Institute at this time of year is only a third of what occurred in 2023 this same week. The latest data available is until December 22, yes. Surely the end of the year has had a good boost with family reunions, but the evolution has not yet been updated.
Here you can take a look at the graphics. It is entertaining to dwell on various details. On the one hand, it is very clear how the coronavirus is not a seasonal disease. The curve draws a much more anarchic pattern than rising in winter and falling in summer.

On the other hand, we can see the differences between communities: some have a much higher incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) than others. Things, for example, are regular in the Valencian Community (with 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), although there are also good peaks in the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Madrid, Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla. In the case of the capital, in just one week the case rate has doubled, as explained in this article the colleagues of Somos Madrid.
It is expected that there will be many more infected after the holidays. It usually happens: getting together in closed places, snacking from the same plate, shared drinks, kisses and hugs… Last year, I don’t know if you remember, things got so tense that the Ministry of Health ended up imposing masks at the beginning of January in health centers.
The idea, after that tug of war with the communities, was to implement a national strategy that would unify actions in the face of an increase in cases. Basically the use of the mask in different spaces, increasingly as the incidence rises. But the project as I told you a few weeks agodid not bear fruit due to the opposition of conservative communities, who say that their regional plans are enough. In the coming weeks we will see how far the peak goes this season. Is your New Year’s resolution to be more informed? If you are one of those odd people who continue to trust journalism (thank you and please), you can become a member and help us continue doing it.

While you were doing other things…
The anti-purposes
Are you one of those who makes a list of New Year’s resolutions? Now what is taken away are the anti-purposes, that is, what we know we do not want. I find it an interesting mirror exercise because, in times of stress, they still help reduce the pressure of the to-do list and allow us to live lighter, freeing ourselves from what doesn’t matter to us. How do you see it? Although I have never personally tried it, this article It has made me think.
I hope your year is off to a good start. Next week I’ll be on vacation, so we’ll meet here the next week. Where always.
#sick #flu