Starting in 2025, if you buy or sell shares of Puig, Inmocemento or PharmaMar, among other companies, you will have to pay what is known as the Tobin rate. The Tax Agency has published the list of companies that are affected by the financial transactions tax. The tax determines that the operations of purchase and sale of shares of those companies whose capitalization is greater than the 1,000 million euros are subject to a tax of 0.2% on the amount of each of the operations.
In 2025, there will be 58 companies subject to this tax. The Tax Agency publishes the list for the following year taking into account the capitalization of the companies on December 1. Among the affected companies are some that have been repeating since the tax was created, such as Aena, Inditex, Telefónica or Santander, and other new ones such as Puig, Inmocemento, PharmaMar or Línea Directa. The first two are the youngest firms to enter, since they began trading this year. Puig, in addition, is already included in the Ibex 35.
The tax was created with the intention of functioning as a type of VAT on financial transactions in stock exchanges. According to estimates collected by the EFE agency, in 2023 it will enter 198 million euros when the objective was an annual collection of 850 million euros, four times more than what was finally collected by the Tax Agency last year.
Companies subject to the Tobin tax
Among the different companies that are affected by this tax, there is most of the Ibex 35as well as medium and small listed companies. The alphabetical list of companies collected by the Tax Agency is as follows:
- Action
- Activate Energy
- Acerinox
- Aedas Homes
- Aena
- Almirall
- Amadeus
- AmRest Holdings
- Atresmedia
- Bankinter
- Caixabank
- Cellnex
- Cementos Molins
- Alba Financial Corporation
- Ebro Foods
- Elecnor
- Enagas
- Endesa
- Faes Farma
- Fluidra
- Gestamp
- Grifols
- Catalan Western Group
- Iberdrola
- Inditex
- Indra
- Colonial Real Estate
- Immocement
- Direct Line
- Logistics
- Mapfre
- Meliá
- Merlin Properties
- Metrovacesa
- Naturgy
- Neinor Homes
- NH Hotel Goup
- PharmaMar
- Prosegur
- Puig Brands
- Redeia
- Repsol
- Sabadell
- Sacyr
- Santander
- Solaria
- Telephone
- Unicaja
- Vidrala
- Viscofan
#buy #shares #Puig #Inmocemento #PharmaMar #pay #fee #year