As the hours pass, the tension in Barcelona for the eviction of the Orsola house is growing. The main injured, Josep Torrent, waits for the judicial delegation- prevista for this Friday- “Nervous and tired”although he will stay at home “calmly and peacefully, but firmly.” Since 2021, this neighbor of the Eixample antigra fight against the Lionss Investment Fund, which refuses to negotiate, to stay in The one that has been his home for 22 yearsa farm that has become over the years into a symbol of the neighborhood struggle against speculation.
“This housing problem is not something that happened to me, but It is something that is happening throughout the city. It is a problem that has to be fixed from below, because politicians and administrations are expelling us from our cities, “explained the tenant. He has told him backed by hundreds of people who have participated in a ‘marathon’ of neighborhood protests that He has started this Thursday afternoon to avoid eviction. of variable capital investment) to save taxes, buy an entire building, expel the entire neighborhood, make seasonal rentals and triple prices “is for their decisions, so they are responsible for their situation.
Josep, 49, received a bureaux after 15 days that investments were made with the building. In him they informed him that he had to leave the house when his contract ended, in 2022. At first he explains that he felt alone and believed he had “bad luck.” However, he soon knew that His neighbors had also received the notice. In spite of everything, he stayed and continued paying the 700 euros of rent. An action that has not changed the owners, who have decided to continue with the imminent eviction.
Protest marathon to stop the eviction
The neighbors of the Orsola house opted for answer more Organizing a protest marathon next to the Llogateres union. From this Thursday afternoon until the planned arrival of the judicial delegation at 10.30 am, the platform has organized a series of actions for defend “the dignity” of the tenants. At the beginning of the actions, the union spokesman, Enric Aragonès, has reiterated that they want to point to the man who bought the building to make seasonal rental and to the institutions that have “encouraged this to happen”. In addition, he has labeled the residents of Casa Orsola of “model and referents”, and has encouraged citizens to resist if they are in a similar situation.
Mobilization, which can be followed live Through the union’s YouTube channelhas added the informative participation of Mónica Terribas, Jordi Évole or Joel Díaz, among others. In addition, personalities and political activists have joined With gatherings about the right to housingwhile Ludwig Band has given the musical touch on the claim. The protests marathon, this Thursday, will end with a cacerolada to demand that the eviction and a popular dinner stand. Hundreds of protesters will spend the night In the property to prepare the protection of the Orsola house hours before the arrival of the judicial delegation that will seek to proceed with the eviction.

The protests marathon received support from the cultural world of Catalonia. During the Gaudí Awards gala were several samples of solidarity towards the tenants. Enric Aurquer, winner of the best secondary actor award for House in Flames He directly encouraged to paralyze eviction. The call director Carlos Marqués-Marcet was also echoed when collecting the award of the best non-Catalan language film for Dust will be. “See you on the 31st in eviction!”he exclaimed while holding the statuette.
This Wednesday, coinciding with The previous hours of eviction of the property located in the old Eixample Esquerra, about twenty associations joined to boost the ‘Crida pel dret to l’HObitatge’ platform. The association will collaborate in demands such as limiting rental prices in a “effectively” or protect people in danger of eviction. Its objective is to organize transversely to provide coordinated organizations and mobilizations. They stressed that They want to “press” political leaders and other agents to apply the measures of the decree of the house.
The Greuges Union asks for mediation
Given the tensions climbing, the Greuges Union has asked to make “all possible efforts” to find a space for dialogue between owners and neighbors that allows you to reach a “consensus” solution. In addition, he has urged the Barcelona City Council to propose solutions that preserve the right to housing.
A “glove” that the Consistory has collected quickly, ensuring that it would be a “good option” to suspend eviction because “we have reached a borderline situation.” Moreover, according to the Housing Commissioner, Joan Ramon Riera, a figure greater than zero in terms of eviction is bad news, so They are working so that there are “more orrsolas houses.”
The Llogateres Sindicat, although it has accepted the mediation proposal, has criticized the position of the Consistory, to which They accuse late. “It is surprising that the City Council is activated less than 24 hours, when it has had the possibility of sanctioning the property (among others, For breach of the obligation to offer social rental) and has not done it or given any response, “they have pointed out.
The latest statements of the municipal government have not been enough for Bcomú, which asks Jaume Collboni to be on Friday present at Orsola “next to the neighbors.” On the other hand, Esquerra Republicana has notified the mayor that Barcelona “cannot be a Theme park for investors or a monopoly gamebut a city to live. “
#Hundreds #people #defend #Orsola #house #Josep #Fridays #eviction #wait #peacefully #firmly