HS Helsinki Is it still possible to walk on the ice in front of Helsinki? The expert warns of the illusion after a cold night

There have been many walkers on the sea ice on sunny days. “If you don’t quite have to go, I would skip it,” says an expert from the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

This weekend the sun warmed up and people also enjoyed the bright spring winter day on the sea ice.

Still left, many thought.

Ice can still be very load-bearing and about 20 to 30 centimeters thick, says a marine ice expert from the Finnish Meteorological Institute Jouni Vainio. On the other hand, in many places the ice has completely melted or become very thin and can no longer withstand human weight.

“If you don’t quite have to go, then I’ll skip it. From where you start, the ice can be strong, but over time and over time, it can suddenly weaken. ”

The Coast Guard also recommends enjoying the spring weather on dry land.

If however, on the ice now you may want to go, you should choose your route carefully and avoid points near melted spots.

For example, under bridges, near beaches, in reeds and stormwater streams, ice thins first.

“Night frosts can make a thin curl on the edges of an open place that may look durable, but not a cent two carry anything,” Vainio says.

People walked on the ice on Sunday in Laajalahti on the border of Espoo and Helsinki. There was a melted point under the Tarvo bridge.

Only on that basis, it is not worth going on the ice to see others there as well. According to Vainio, walkers who appear as small dots on the far ice are often, for example, fishermen who are experienced ice riders and are also equipped with floating and dry suits.

Vainio reminds that everyone should think about moving around on the ice according to their own skills and equipment. When moving on ice, it is always advisable to keep the nasals and something longer in case you fall.

“If bad luck goes, it’s very hard to get up from there with your bare fingers. I think there should be events where you can safely test how to get up from the ice in winter clothes that are soaked in water, ”Vainio says.

“When you try to rise from the ice, this strangely widens your gaze.”

Read more: The ice looks strange in some places in front of Espoo, but there you have no worries – now the expert explains what happened to the sea ice

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