HS 50 years ago 11.2.1974 | Through game management to the forest

Forester has come to a sense of sin. The hare, who moaned fervently in the children's song “help, help, I'm begging you, the woodsman is now stalking me”, has no complaints about his social security today. The hunter will take care of it now.

The baby hare will probably still be in the pot. Before that, however, it has lived a happy, hunger-free life: delicious hay for breakfast, a couple of fodder cabbages for dinner…

Game management is becoming a standard task of hunting clubs. It is fine to tax capital, but it must also be managed.

Among others, Enso-Gutzeit Osakeyhtiö has hunting clubs all over the country. The company owns the hunting lands, which it then rents to clubs. The clubs mainly consist of the company's own employees: the right to hunt is considered an inherent benefit.

However, a good gun, a sharp eye and a steady hand are no longer enough. The company also obliges the clubs to which it rents land to systematic game management.

Clubs are required to have a game management plan in advance, which must be feasible. They are obliged to take part in an annual game census and train the membership: only after all of this can we catch up.

Skinning a fox the right way is such a precise job that it is even suitable as a subject for courses. For supervisor Jussi Laukkanen (right), the fox was the third this winter, while the driver Eino Heikkinen, who was following the fox, has not yet had time to hunt the fox.

Karjalainen's trip to Africa: The plane crashed over the runway

Mafia island (Seppo Kievari)

Two or three The suspense drama of a second completed the program of Foreign Minister Ahti Karjalainen's visit to Tanzania on Sunday.

A Tanzanian Air Force twin-engine transport plane brought Karjalai with his entourage to Mafia Island. The runway turned out to be too short, and with tires smoking under full braking, the plane plunged after the end of the runway over a small embankment and rolled fifty meters away from it, half in its direction of entry. The momentum was stopped by the tires sinking into the soft sand.

All the passengers survived with just a scare.

The shortage of nurses is blocking the laboratories

Shortage of laboratory nurses greatly complicates the operation of laboratories. The most affected by the situation are hospital and emergency laboratories, which do not compete with private ones with their salaries and other benefits.

For example, almost half of the permanent positions in the Meilahti Central Laboratory of Helsinki University Hospital are unfilled.

Dispute over pews in Huopalahti parish

Helsinki An opinion dispute has erupted regarding the repair of the Huopalahti parish church, in which the members of th
e Huopalahti Church Council – and still Helsinki's ev.lut. a repair plan approved by the church council of the parishes and a group of some active parishioners.

The traditional fixed pews of the Huopalahti church are to be replaced with loose padded chairs. A group of parishioners see more than just an external renewal effort in changing the pews.

In particular, the idea included in the renovation plan to transform the church hall into a space that takes into account the needs of multi-purpose use has aroused indignation and opposition.

Immigrants angry: You only get child benefit after the trial years

“My husband pay the same taxes as Finns, our rent is at a top level. For others, the child benefits increase, but we don't get a single mark,” says Helmi Sperling from Iivisniemi, Espoo. He is married to a German and the daughter is a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany.

“What advantage did I have to keep my Finnish citizenship for 12 years,” asks Helena Makins, who moved back to Finland from Canada. “My daughter still does not receive child benefit, even though I have lived in Finland since 1971.”

Finnish women who have returned to their home country and married a foreigner are dissatisfied with the child benefit law of their country of birth.

According to the law, the child's guardian must be registered in Finland for two consecutive years before child benefit can be applied for. This way, unless the child is a Finnish citizen.

If the child's mother is a Finnish citizen and earns her living in Finland by paying taxes, it does not help to get child benefit.

Mini electric car enthusiasts have good tracks in Kuopio

Miniature electric car driving young enthusiasts have good tracks at their disposal in Kuopio. The second miniature electric car track is in the shelters of the Alava parish home and the other is in the population shelter in the northeast of Puijonlaakso, which has the longest track in the Nordic countries.

Heikki Kaasinen, the youth director of Alava parish, says that miniature electric car crafting is popular in Kuopio. There would be more people coming to the craft club than can be taken.

The boys, there are a couple of girls among them, do crafts on the cars a couple of nights a week.

Vertigo is Thön's trump card

St. Moritz (AP-UPI)

Crazy thanks to his second fall, Italy's Gustavo Thöni took the slalom world championship in St. Moritz on Sunday. Thöni rose from ninth place to the top with his set time of 51.07.

The happiest trio of the World Cup slalom before the jury meeting was champion Gustavo Thöni (center), runner-up David Zwilling (right) and third-place finisher Hansi Hintersee, who was however disqualified for skipping one gate.

Finland's Seppo Leppäniemi finished fifth in the alpine combined results. The championship was taken by Austria's Franz Klammer.

Thön's winning time was 109.98. He became a double champion: he also won Tuesday's giant slalom.

Chikara knocked down Kotka's Fusegi

Judo The surprises at the end of the championship series don't end with surprising results: Kotkan Judoseura–TampereenFusegi 8–6.

However, the host team Chikara played the main role in the three-match round, which defeated Fusegi 14–0 and Kotka with full points, i.e. 16–0.

Even outside the tatami, Chikara excelled. The competition organization organized by Helge Majalainen and led by Matti Vatanen survived its actions with honor and style, which gave reason to believe in the club's organizational rise and at the same time in its competitive rise.

Reino Heikinhekno from Tampere's Fuseg is flying. Thrower Henrik Bodich Kotka Judoseura

The sun lured the people of Helsinki out into the countryside

Skiers and joggers in Helsinki's Keskuspuisto were a small obstacle for the electric trains on Sunday, which had to give sound signals to those crossing the track who were too excited about the sunny weather.

Contrary to the instructions, the train drivers braked a little at the most popular level crossings, because the park's paths and tracks were covered in people.

Satisfied skiers filled Helsinki's outdoor lodges and sports parks, because the weather has not been favorable for at least three weeks. – –

We also walked in the sun on the ice between Mustikkamaa and Korkeasaari. It was reported from Korkeasaari that at least the number of visitors on a summer weekday was greatly exceeded. It was estimated that at least 3,000 people visited the island on Sunday.

An all-time strike spreads in West Germany

Bonn (Veikko I. Pajunen)

Effective ones The widespread depression caused by the spot strikes began on Sunday evening after spreading across the Federal Republic of Germany, where the public sector workers decided to go on strike. – –

The first strike in the history of the Federal Republic in the public sector is expected to lead to an all-time traffic crisis on Monday morning, when the personnel of the city's transport agencies begin industrial action.

It's easier to get a master's degree in Sweden than in Finland

Turku (HS)

Finns students have started to use a degree completed in Sweden as a shortcut to academic credit. The situation has been made possible by Sweden's reformed and changed degree system to point calculation and the fact that the previously made Nordic equivalency regulations are still valid.

Until a few years ago, Sweden had a more or less similar degree system as in Finland. Equivalence provisions date back to that time.

Students of social sciences and philosophy have taken advantage of the existing possibility of speculation the most. In Sweden, according to the point calculation system, it is possible to graduate with a bachelor's degree in philosophy without completing the mandatory coursework and master's thesis in Finland.

Will the shop van disappear?

Will they disappear? shop cars from the roads? In 1960, there were a total of 700 shop vans on the roads, a year later there were 800. The number of shop vans was at its peak in 1972, but now their existence is threatened. – –

Shop trucks are necessary in sparsely populated rural areas. However, according to some, they threaten the profitability of small brick-and-mortar stores. Mrs. Mirjami Flinck is waiting for the shop van in Itä-Karttula.

The restructuring of the business world has led to a strong rural exodus, as a result of which shops have lost their customers and especially shops in sparsely populated areas have died. They were replaced by shop cars, but the development is again in a downward direction.

The We the Consumers program asks what should be done to prevent the loss of shop cars.

Are seat belts mandatory?

Transportation Committee has just made his presentation to reduce traffic accidents. Mandatory use of seat belts was considered one of the important aspects of the committee. Legislators and approvers should prevent such a provision in time. After all, we mainly have numbers based on assumptions about how much seat belts have saved human lives.

The fact is that regulations like this bring many kinds of inconvenience to traffic. The most important thing is the mood issue, when people are forced to do something that is not completely acceptable. – –

Optional seat belts

Compiled by Pasi Oikarinen

Read the magazine: hs.fi/aikakone

#years #11.2.1974 #game #management #forest

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