How to wash a wool sweater in the washing machine so that it does not spoil and breathe

Washing a wool sweater in the washing machine may seem risky, since many people fear that it is damaged or breathed. However, with the appropriate approach, it is possible to keep the garment in excellent condition without doing it by hand. Wool, natural material par excellence, is appreciated for its softness and ability to regulate temperature, but requires special care to prevent their fibers from deforming or deteriorating.

With technological advances in modern appliances, wash wool garments has improved considerably. Current washing machines have special programs for delicate fabrics, which facilitates the process and minimizes the risk of damage. Despite this, ignorance on how to use these cycles or lack of attention to certain details can lead to undesirable results, such as shrinking or loss of softness.

Previous preparation: what you should do before washing

Before putting your wool sweater in the washing machine, the first thing is to check the care label. Some sweaters require hand washing, but others can be washed. If hand washing is indicated, it is preferable to follow that recommendation. However, if the label authorizes the washing machine, you can apply the following steps.

It is also important to check that the sweater does not have visible spots. In case of difficult spots, such as wine or fat, apply a specific chitamanchas before washing the garment. If the sweater has ornaments, buttons or closures, open them to prevent them from getting hooked or damaged during washing.

In addition, turn the sweater before putting it in the washing machine. This will reduce the risk that fibers can wear or alter. In this way, the friction that can affect the structure of the tissue are also minimized.

Selection of the appropriate cycle

Most modern washing machines have special programs for delicate tissues, and many of these are specifically designed for wool. These cycles use cold water and a soft centrifugate, which helps prevent the sweater from deforming. If your washing machine has this program, select it will be the most recommended.

Avoid using standard washing cycles, since they tend to be more aggressive for wool, which can result in a shrink or wear of the material. In the event that your washing machine does not have a specific wool cycle, opt for the “delicate” or “hand” program, which uses a lower temperature and a lower centrifuged speed.

Water temperature

The water temperature is essential when washing wool garments. Although it can be tempting to use hot water to disinfect or remove spots, wool is very heat sensitive, and hot water can cause the fibers to run. Therefore, the most appropriate is to use cold water or, at most, warm (30 ° C).

Cold water not only prevents shrinking, but also retains the softness of wool and prevents colors from fading. Whenever possible, be sure to adjust your washing machine so that the water does not exceed this temperature.

The appropriate detergent

Not all detergents are suitable for washing wool. Conventional detergents can be too aggressive, which would affect the texture of the garment. It is essential to choose a detergent specifically designed for wool, since these are softer and protect natural fibers.

In addition, it avoids the use of softeners, because they can alter the natural properties of wool, such as their ability to regulate temperature and absorb moisture. A specific detergent for wool will effectively clean without compromising softness or tissue structure.

The centrifuged: care with speed

The centrifugate is another critical stage in washing a wool sweater. Although it is necessary to eliminate excess water, it is essential not to opt for a high speed, since this can deform or damage the tissue. A soft or slow centrifugate will be more than enough for water to be eliminated without fibers suffer.

Many wool programs already automatically adjust the centrifuged speed to avoid damage. If your washing machine does not have this option, choose a low speed or even omit the centrifugate and remove excess water manually.

Drying: What you should never do

Wool drying is one of the most important steps to guarantee the durability of the garment. You should never hang a wet wool sweater, as this can make it stretch and lose its shape. The ideal is to extend the sweater on a clean towel on a flat surface, gently giving the original shape.

Avoid direct exposure to the sun or heat sources, since this could dry out the fibers and make the tissue lose elasticity. In addition, the use of the dryer is completely discouraged, since heat and movement can cause wool to breathe or deform irreversibly.

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