The lemon is one of the most appreciated fruit trees. It is not for less, since if you get it to flourish and pay off, you can have lemons at home. It is a complicated task in many cases, since the lemon requires a climate and specific care. However, with a few tips and the occasional trick, You can get a great flowering at home.
In this way, if you have or you are going to put a lemon at home, take note of these recommendations, tips and tricks given by the gardening experts to anticipate and get the lemon Dé Flores, which is the first step for, then, later, Obtain your own lemons, complete satisfaction.
The first advice: lots of light
One of the first things that must be taken into account when having a lemon is that they require a lot of light. Without light there is no flowering and without flowers there are no fruits. In this way, both inside the house and in the outer area, the plant will have to be placed in a sunny place, at least for six or eight hours a day. This is why limits are perfect For Mediterranean areas and in the summer seasonwhere sunlight is present many more hours in the day.
Thus, it is recommended to put it in a room oriented to southwestwhich is where sunlight affects the most throughout the day. At the same time there is a trick that your lemon will greatly appreciate: Turn the plant every few days so that the entire plant receives direct sunlight in the same way, since, if not, it could be developed more on the one hand than for another.
Temperature, another important key
After deciding the placement and knowing that you need a lot of sunlight, even direct, it will be necessary to know that the temperature, as you have been able to imagine, is key. Limoneros They don’t support the cold and much less frostso you have to always have it inside when the meteorology does not accompany.
In the case of the summer or areas in which it is not called frosts, it can be put outside, always monitoring the drop in temperatures during the night, especially in the interior of Spain, that there is greater thermal amplitudewith a big difference of degrees between day and night.
Attentive to irrigation pattern
The temperature is closely linked to the amount of water that the lemon needs. In fact, During the summer it will need more waterin such a way that the Earth never remains completely dry. This does not mean that you have to exceed, since the flooding is disastrous for the roots of the lemon, which can be easily rotted due to excess water.
Thus, watch your lemon car daily, touch the earth and, when it is dry, throw water, without flooding. It is better that you remain dry time, before passing with irrigation. Yes indeed, If there is a lack of water, forget about floweringsince the plant enters the state of lethargy.
A trick regarding irrigation? If you do not want to flood the plant, but notes that it is has the leaves or the flowers a bit dry, you can use a spray to permeate its leaves a little, since dryness can make the flower of the flower fall before it opens.
The gardener trick: it simulates a drought
There is a little known, but very effective trick for plants to produce flowers in abundance. Gardeners claim that Simulate a short period of drought It causes a period of stress at the plant that causes flowers.
As collected from the specialized environment Aroe Newsit is only necessary to be 10 or 15 days without any water, zero irrigation. Then, as soon as you start watering again and a little fertilizer rich potassium is added, The plant reacts thinking that the right time has come to bloom.
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