From childhood we begin to see life and ourselves through what other people think. And as we grow, almost without realizing it, we seek external approval to the point that we lose our essence to fit into what others expect of us. Why do other people’s opinions affect us so much? How to free yourself from the fear of “what will they say”? How many things have we stopped doing for fear of what others think? How to make you not care? We address all this with the psychologist María de Mondo (@mariademondo). María de Mondo, in the ABC newsroom. Belén DíazMaría de Mondo comes from the world of finance, having graduated in Law and Business Administration. But after an existential crisis, as she herself describes, she rethought her life and traveled to Argentina where she began her journey of self-discovery. Upon her return, she trained in ontological coaching and psychology and is now a mental health and well-being popularizer. She has published ‘The opinion of others is unnecessary’, where she provides precisely the keys to being yourself and freeing yourself from “what people will say.” María de Mondo, during the recording of the podcast with journalists Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea. belén DíazAll episodes of ‘Abecedario del Bienestar’ can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Podimo. They are also available on YouTube. Credits Recording: Íñigo Martín Ciordia Editing: Blanca Nava Coordination: Juan López Córcoles Image design: Rodrigo Parrado Interviews and production: Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea. Other episodes of ‘Abecedario del Bienestar’:- How to know if you have sensory intelligence, With Estanislao Bachrach.- Inflammation: this is how the silent evil that is behind many diseases affects us. With Elena Garrido- How to stop snacking to calm stress and anxiety. With Teresa Terol- Exercise: fifteen minutes a day are enough to be in shape, with Sergio Peinado.- How to reduce inflammation in the body and delay aging. With Sandra Moñino.
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