How can you strengthen the pelvic floor in men?

How can you strengthen the pelvic floor in men? What exercises can be done? Manuel.

Men have a pelvic floor, of course they do. With the muscles inside the pelvis in the same terms as women in terms of number of muscles, although they are not arranged exactly the same since men do not have the same intrapelvic organs. Therefore, if muscles exist and they move, they can be trained and made to be strong, flexible and resistant. Because, oh friends, the perineum does not live on strength alone.

The perineal muscles have several functions. One of them is to help the organs that live within the pelvis, in this case the bladder, rectum and prostate, to open and close their sphincters. The muscles of the perineum must also contract and relax, both voluntarily and consciously as well as involuntarily and unconsciously, together with the abdomen, with which they work as a team. In this way, the exercises that we can do with men who must tone their perineal muscles, without overdoing it, since everything is bad in excess, are:

  • exercises kegelwhich are voluntary contractions. To know if a man is contracting his perineal muscles, we ask him to “raise his penis.” When you make that movement, what contracts is the perineum. Exercises can be programmed with more or less strength, longer or shorter, and with a greater or lesser number of repetitions depending on what is needed.
  • exercises abdomen that are not hyperpressive. This encompasses all types of work with breathing, seeking to create less perineal impact. There are many types of hypopressives.
  • exercises balance. One of the things that involuntarily activates the abdomen and perineum is loss of balance. Using unstable planes, a bossu, or a proprioceptive trunk helps a lot in perineal training.

We cannot forget that the position and knowing how to properly manage abdominal pressures They are the key to a healthy perineum. That, and the orgasmswhich move the muscles like nothing else can.

If we only strengthen and gain strength, we can find a hypertonic perineum, with hard and rigid muscles, which also produces erection difficulties, prostatitis and continence problems. That is why it is very important to do good muscle work not only to have strength, but also endurance, elasticity and adaptability. The blood entering and leaving the pelvis is also modulated by the perineal musculature, which is why a hypotonic or hypertonic perineum can result in erectile dysfunction or difficulties maintaining an erection or even pain. Going to specialized physiotherapy is a guarantee of health.

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