If we wanted to bring together all the varieties of cheese that exist in the world, we would need a tablecloth for more than 2,000 types of cheese, with countless textures, formats and flavors, with milk from different origins, sometimes mixed, different degrees of curing, with or without crust, and with variations in fat concentration. The production of artisanal cheeses is a process that has thousands of years of history and each region of each country has its hallmark in this field.
But if we wanted to choose one of the cheeses that has the most protein and the least amount of fat, we would choose the cheese cottagewhose origin is in the curd of pasteurized cow’s milk, both skim and normal. It has a very low calorie content and stands out for its very smooth and creamy flavor, which makes it a very versatile cheese for both sweet and savory recipes.
It has less than 20% fat value. Due to their fat content, cheeses are classified as double fat (with at least 60% fat); extra fatty (45% or more); fatty (with 40%); semi-fat (with at least 20%) and lean ones, such as cottage. Other properties of cheese cottage are its high calcium content, a mineral very necessary for the health of our bones and teeth and therefore, to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

As for proteins, it contains 11 grams per 100 grams of cheese, while in the same amount of cow’s milk we find 3.4 grams of protein. Other nutrients available in good quantities in cottage cheese are selenium, phosphorus, or potassium, vitamins B2 and B12.
Being so rich in protein and low in fat, it also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin and can help us fall asleep better and rest better. In addition, it is a very satiating cheese, so it may be interesting to include it in a recipe at night, as the last meal of the day, at dinner.
The casein it contains is also very beneficial for muscle recovery. And it has a high probiotic power due to its content in lactobacillus caseiwhich helps strengthen our digestive system.
The cheese cottage It is a fresh cheese, with a texture similar to cottage cheese or ricotta Italian but milder in flavor. It is a granulated cheese. Its origin is in the 19th century, around 1830, when cheese began to be made with the remains of the milk that was used to make butter. ‘Cottage’ means cabin in English, and it is in the cabins where this cheese was traditionally made.
Breakfast or snack recipes with cheese cottage
The cheese cottage It is a very interesting alternative for any time of the day. If you like its texture, it is very useful when preparing healthy toast for breakfast or snack. For example, you can prepare cheese toast cottage with a little smoked salmon, or with blueberries and an agave or maple syrup, or even make a cream with crushed avocado, cottage cheese, a pinch of extra virgin olive oil, salt and black pepper. Sweet or salty, according to your preferences.

You can also prepare a fluffy omelet with a couple of whole eggs and cheese cottage. What we will do is beat the eggs, make our omelet and when it is set, add the cheese cottagefold, cook a few more minutes and we will have it ready. It is a very quick, healthy and nutritionally complete breakfast.
Another breakfast formula could be delicious oatmeal pancakes with cheese. cottage. For this recipe we are going to need about five tablespoons of oat flour, a couple of eggs, a cup of cheese cottagea very ripe banana, and a small spoonful of baking powder, if you want you can also add a dessert spoonful of vanilla essence, although the banana already adds a lot of sweetness to the recipe. We beat everything and cook in a pan with a little olive oil or butter. We can decorate them with the ingredients that we like the most: nuts, fresh fruit, dark chocolate chips or honey.
Salad with cheese cottagefigs, arugula and walnuts
Another way to combine cheese cottage It is in salads, providing protein and creaminess. It looks spectacular in a salad of green sprouts such as spinach, lamb’s lettuce and arugula, with figs (if they are in season) or another fruit such as apple and dried fruits, they can be walnuts, cashews or pistachios, and you can also include a handful of raisins. . We will dress it with extra virgin olive oil and a splash of Modena vinegar. It is a very simple salad but with a mix of flavors and textures with many contrasts.
For another very delicious salad recipe with cheese cottage We would need cherry tomatoes, melon, pumpkin seeds and the cheese. It is a recipe that can be very useful in summer to take advantage of the melon. But, as in the previous recipe, if it is a different time of year, we can replace the melon, for example, with an apple or a pear. The secret of this salad is partly in its dressing, which we are going to make with mustard, garlic and parsley.
For the dressing we will finely chop the parsley, along with the grated garlic, a dessert spoon of old-fashioned mustard or Dijon, another of Sherry vinegar, three of extra virgin olive oil and another three of water. We integrate everything well and we already have our dressing prepared.
Cheese cottage with vegetables

This recipe is spectacular and is very light. We are going to give you the quantities necessary for two or three servings. For the base of the dish we are going to use a whole tub of cheese cottage. These are the other ingredients: half a good quality tomato (it’s worth it), a plum, five or six split green or black olives, the zest and juice of a lime, half a tablespoon of sweet paprika, one of sesame seeds and three or four of extra virgin olive oil.
We are going to chop all the ingredients, the tomato, the plum and the olives, and we integrate everything with the zest and juice of the lime, the paprika, the sesame and the olive oil. We place the cheese at the base of the plate and, lovingly, spread the previous mixture on top. It is a dish with a very rich mix of flavors, which we can have as a snack or light meal. It can also be spread on toast with some type of sesame or rye toast with seeds to complete the dish.
#High #protein #fat #dishes #include #cottage #cheese