The product was distributed throughout the national territory and the Spanish Food and Nutrition Security Agency recommends celiac people not to consume it
The Ministry of Health has announced the withdrawal of some life of a lifetime. Although the consumption of this product does not represent risks for most people, it has been withdrawn from the affected stores throughout Spain, as reported by Twitter, the Twitter, the Spanish Food and Nutrition Security Agency (AESAN).
The agency has transferred this information to the health authorities to guarantee the withdrawal of the affected lots of the marketing points.
People sensitive to gluten or related pathologies are recommended, such as celiac disease, who can have this product in their homes that refrain from consuming it.
The finding of gluten not declared in the labeling of an assortment of rubber candies and sweet gels called Savanna Mix, of the FINI brand, was notified by the health authorities of the Community of Madrid and communicated nationwide through the Sciri.
Product name: Savanna Mix. Assortment of rubber candies and sweet gels Zero gluten.
Brand: Fini.
Lot number: L2411600.
Preferred consumption date: 03/31/2026.
Weight: 160 grams.
Storage temperature: environment.
The Experts in Celiacía They estimate that in Spain there are about half a million people who could be affected by this disease, although more than two thirds of them are not recorded to suffer from it. Lorena Pérez, expert from the web points out that “celiac disease is a systemic, immune base disorder caused by gluten and that affects genetically predisposed individuals.”
From the Federation of Celiac associations in Spain They point out that “gluten is a protein that is found in the seed of many cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, tritical, spelled, some varieties of oatmeal, as well as its hybrids and derivatives.” In the same way, they explain on the web that “many people are unable to digest this protein completely since after the intake protein fragments are generated that activate the immune system by detecting those fragments as toxic, triggering an adverse reaction.”
History of sweets in Spain
According to the Tododulce website The official origin of sweets dates back to more than 5000 years agowhen the Egyptians used small sweets in their religious ceremonies.
These sweets were made by sweetening figs, nuts and dates with honey, a practice similar to that of the Greeks, who also used honey to sweeten fruits.
In addition, according to research, it is believed that even prehistoric men made sweets with honey, which dried to create tasty candies.
What are the best known Spanish candy brands?
Among the leading brands of sweets in Spain are Chupa Chups, Fini and Vidalalthough there are other outstanding brands such as Tridentknown for his gum, and SMINT, which belongs to Chupa Chups.
In addition, brands such as Haribo They are famous for their rubber bears, while King Regal It is known for its strawberry discs. Trolli It is another popular brand that offers a variety of products such as worms.
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