Tragic paragliding accident in Malcesine: a 29-year-old man loses his life
A day of hiking and outdoor adventures turned into a real disaster for a twenty-nine-year-old and his friend. In Malcesine, a twenty-nine-year-old tourist lost his life following an accident with his paragliding. The competent authorities are now investigating to clarify the dynamics of the event.
The tragedy occurred on Tuesday 23 July, in Malcesinein the province of Verona. A Swedish tourist from 29 years old he lost his life when he crashed during landing with the paraglidingThe accident occurred in the early afternoon, around 3:00 pm.

The dynamics of the accident
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The causes of the crash are still unknown but, from what we understand, the twenty-nine year old lost control of the glider during the take-off phase. landing. The young tourist had launched himself shortly before from Monte Baldo and during the descent, he lost control of the paraglider. The Swedish tourist, described as an expert paraglider pilot, was the victim of a terrible accident. The man, instead of landing in the designated area, about fifty meters away as the crow flies, crashed at high speed onto the bicycle lane which runs along Lake Garda. The twenty-nine year old was in the company of a Friend who filmed the incident with a go-pro which is currently in the hands of the police for investigation.

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The alarm was raised by the friend of the victimhis compatriot who, after witnessing the crash, tried to help the man in vain. Despite immediate assistance from the paramedics of the emergency medical service and an ambulance, nothing was done to save the young man’s life. The impact with the ground was fatal for this young twenty-nine-year-old tourist. The man’s body was returned to the family.
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