Ester Palmieri was 37 years old and had opened her wellness center a year ago. His former partner Igor Moser was a lumberjack
They were 37 and 46 years old Ester Palmieri and Igor Moser, the protagonists of yet another family tragedy. He, a woodcutter, first killed his partner with knives, and then took his own life. They leave behind three young children, all aged between 5 and 9. An entire community is completely shocked.
A new tragedy it upsets Italy and Trentino Alto Adige, more precisely the Val di Cembra. The drama occurred yesterday morning, Thursday 11 January, in Valflorianaa very small municipality in the province of Trento.
A 46 year old man, Igor Moser he first killed his ex-partner, 37-year-old Ester Palmieri, and then he took his own life in a barn he owned.

Some people noticed it completely relatives of the 46 year oldwho, worried about not seeing him arrive for lunch, headed to the house where the couple had lived and found Ester lifeless, immersed in her own blood.
The police moved in immediately looking for manfinding him shortly afterwards, also now dead, hanging from a beam of a barn he owned in Castello di Fiemme.
Who were Igor Moser and Ester Palmieri

As mentioned, Igor Moser and Ester Palmieri had respectively 46 and 37 years old. For a long time they lived their life together, in love, also starting a beautiful family, with three small childrenaged between 5 and 9 years.
However, things had not been going well for some time and she had made the decision to put an end to their story.
There choiceHowever, it had not been accepted by himwho after a period characterized by a very tense climate and frequent arguments, ambushed her yesterday morning while her children were at home and took her life, also committing suicide shortly afterwards.
Igor was well known in the Cembra Valley. He did the lumberjack and for some time he had opened his own business in the sector.
Esther, however, for 15 years worked in the hospital sector as social health workerand then threw himself into what had always been his passion, that of well-being.
By 2023 he had opened a massage center of its own in Casatta, a hamlet of Valfloriana, the Scintilla Alchemica Holistic Studio.
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