The main reason for the appearance of tartar in the teeth is a bad oral hygiene and usually accumulates mainly in areas where we find it most to access with the toothbrush. Therefore, it is recommended to use other oral cleaning utensils such as dental thread or interdental brushes. However, in many cases we settle for a superficial and too fast technique, which allows the plate to accumulate and consistently, calcify. In this guide we explain how the appearance of tartar can be prevented from home with these five tooth hygiene keys.
Sarter, also called dental calculation, is nothing other than the consequence of scarce dental cleaning. On the surface of the teeth, and also among them, oral bacteria and food remains that form the plate are continuously deposited. Do not withdraw it properly will mean that it hardens until brushing is no longer enough to eliminate it.
One of the factors that favor the appearance of tartar is the pH of saliva, which varies from one person to another. In cases where the pH is higher, that is, it has less acid, more tartar is formed. However, some habits that can be avoided as the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, certain medications and some rinses, also help the accumulation of plaque. All this without mentioning the smoking habit. The tartar not only affects the aesthetic appearance of the teeth giving it that yellowish tone, but to their health.
Consequences of dental calculation
Maintaining exhaustive oral hygiene is essential to have good oral health. If it is not done correctly, once the tartar is formed, this can cause oral pathologies such as gingivitis or the appearance of caries. We will know that the gums are healthy when the gingival tissue has a pink color and never bleed when their teeth are brushed. The bleeding of them can be a clear symptom of plaque accumulation that is irritating the gums. If this hard layer that inflames and reds the gums is not eliminated, it can lead to a periodontal disease.
Once the dental calculation is formed, a professional should be used. In most cases, just a cleaning, also called prophylaxis either Tartrectomy, which is done with an ultrasound and water device, which will disintegrate the tartar. However, sometimes the tartar can accumulate under the gums and a slightly more invasive technique will be necessary.

Five keys to prevent tartar
Although, as we have explained, the tartar cannot be avoided completely, it can be minimized. With these five tips from General Council of Dentist Colleges of Spain We explain how to prevent it from home:
- It is very important to brush our teeth after each meal: sometimes we overlook the importance of brushing our teeth after each meal, but it can be a big step to keep our mouth free of bacteria. After ingesting food, dental plaque must be removed in order to avoid the appearance of tartar and possible effects of this such as caries or gingival diseases. With just a brushing between two and three minutes it can be prevented. Keep in mind that the most essential brushes of the day are after breakfast and before sleeping. It is essential to brush all the surfaces of the teeth, in addition to the tongue and palate to eliminate bacteria. If possible, experts recommend using toothpaste with fluoride to clean the rest of the dental surface.
- You also have to take into account to change the toothbrush regularly: the ideal is to change the toothbrush every three months if this is manual. In the case of having an electric brush, what we will do is replace the head. This change is due to the brushes being deform as we are using them and cleaning ceases to be so effective by not removing the entire plaque due to the deterioration of sows. As added, it is also convenient to change it if we have passed any viruses or infection because they can remain bacteria in the brush.
- The importance of the use of interdental utensils: according to the council data, only 34% of the Spaniards are cleaned among their teeth daily. Only tooth brushing with paste is not enough. The data show that interdental brushes eliminate more bacterial plaque than tooth silk. However, use them as long as there is enough space between the dental pieces. If it is not your case, use better thread or tooth silk. The spaces between the teeth accumulate a third of the entire bacterial plaque, so it is recommended to perform this type of cleaning before night brushing or between meals.
- Avoid alcohol consumption and food high in sugar: it is very important that the diet is healthy. Some habits such as alcohol or sugar consumption must be avoided. Food and high sugar content can feed oral bacteria, which produce an acid that erodes enamel and fosters the appearance of caries and tartar.
- Biannual Periodic Reviews: A form of dental calculation prevention can be periodic reviews to the dentist. The collegial organization of dentists of Spain recommends a periodicity of approximately six months, two annual dentist visits, to avoid major problems because of the tartar, such as the loss of the bone around the dental piece and that causes the periodontal disease.
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