Another student from the Gerena institute and neighbor of El Castillo de las Guardas was the one who recorded the “Taxative and indubitable” images of what happened on the 8th in the surroundings of the educational center. This is what the Civil Guard in the proceedings delivered to Court of Instruction of Seville for him murder of young Aarona resident of Aznalcóllar who was assaulted when leaving class by three men (two adults and one minor) who had been required by Ainara, the girlfriend of the man who turned out to be his murderer.
The report from the Civil Guard narrates what happened during the tragic day, from when the girlfriends of both young people argued during school recess until the alleged murderer was detained at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital after being referred to the Gerena outpatient clinic by some cuts on your hand with the murder weapon. After interrogating those allegedly involved and witnesses to the event, the agents come to the conclusion that Javier, Born 19 years ago in Sanlúcar la Mayor and resident of El Castillo de las Guardasleft from this last location in the His mother’s Seat Ateca in the company of a minor, Ainara’s cousin, after having been notified by her of the previous discussion at recess. From El Castillo they both left with the “Albaceteña type” pocket knife and a baseball bat path of Valencina de la Concepciónwhere they picked up Asier, the second adult (23 years old) involved in the crime. The three arrived before 2:30 p.m. near the Gerena Institute, where they were waiting for Javier to take the bus back to Aznalcóllar.
Image of the knife used by the murderer to stab young Aaron
As the witnesses and those involved explain to the Civil Guard, the murderer’s girlfriendAfter arguing with the victim’s partner, he tells her that “This afternoon at half past six my boyfriend is going to go to Aznalcóllar“because hers (the victim)” looked at her a lot during recess and because she had asked him several times friendship on social networks», data that agree with the audio that has spread on social networks and which has not yet been clarified to whom it was directed. The victim’s girlfriend “thinks that the audio could be for Aarón,” according to the proceedings.
After that first confrontation, and as various witnesses point out, Javier NO (the murderer) He told him “what was he doing looking at his girlfriend, if he wanted me to cut him in half and beat him up.” «I’m going to kill you», he said after the victim’s self-defense, extracting a ten centimeter razor from his testicles of leaf with which even “he attacks” a friend of Aaron’s “but cannot reach him”. During the brawl, Asier, the adult who had been picked up in Valencina, gets hold of the man’s car. baseball bat and attacks the victim and his friends.

Young people watch the fight
In the images, as reported by the Civil Guard, “you can see how Javier N. attacks against Aaron in the chest area armed with the knife in his right hand, at which point we see how Aaron reacts by adopting a ventral positionso it could be the exact moment of fatal injury». Moments later, the victim He entered and collapsed “badly injured” on the bus.
Once the Civil Guard received data from the vehicle in which they had fled The alleged murderers identified him as property of a neighbor of El Castillo de las Guardasquickly recognized by the agents as the mother of a young man “with police record for his involvement in other violent acts previous ones. The mother informed them that her son was being treated at the Virgen del Rocío, where they detained him and informed them that He had thrown the knife two streets away from the place of the facts.
In its conclusions, the Civil Guard, which points out that “the examination of the minor (the murderer’s girlfriend) is contradictory and a improper bias at his age, and points out that «would have had a prior frustrated interest in the victim».
#Gerena #crime #Aaróns #murderer #stab #student