They have recognized it several times: abdominal workouts are the ones most requested from fitness experts Esther and Gema Pineda, known as Gemelas Pin. The reason? We may like to have more or less strong arms, a more or less hard gluteus… but the abdomen, we all agree, the flatter, the better.
For this reason, they never stop inventing fitness routines to work on this area of the body and, in the process, improve others that are involved such as the legs, arms, buttocks…
His training consists of four exercises that each are done for 30 seconds, three sets and 30 seconds of rest between sets. Go for it!
Exercise 1. 30 seconds side plank
Side plank.
In a side plank position, supporting the forearm and our entire body looking to the side. You can bend the arm that is free at the head, as in the image, and thus exert more force on the abdomen. We hold in this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 2. 30 seconds front plank

In this front plank we support the tips of our feet and forearms, and with our legs straight and our back straight, we hold for 30 seconds.
Exercise 3. 30 seconds of side plank (the other side)

Side plank.
As in exercise one, but this time with the other side, we stand on our side, supporting ourselves with our forearm and maintaining our balance for 30 seconds.
Exercise 4. 30 seconds of front plank with extended arms

Front plank with expanded arms.
In a plank position, resting the tips of the feet and hands on the floor, with the arms and legs fully stretched, we raise one arm forward and bring it back to the starting position. And so on for the 30 seconds that the exercise lasts.
Remember that you can follow all the Pin Twins’ training routines on ABC Bienestar.
#floor #exercises #lose #belly #tone #abs