The municipality of Lorca in the Region of Murcia has been flooded after the strong rainfall that ravages to the Autonomous Community. Firefighters of the Fire and Rescue Extinction Consortium (CEIS) have managed to rescue a woman trapped in her vehicle, who had been dragged by water. According to the City Council of the Municipality, there have been a total of nine bailouts, in which personal damage has not been regretted. The mayor of the town itself, Fulgencio Gil, has been caught in a Rambla, although it is out of danger.
Given the forecast for the next few hours, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, said Thursday at the last minute that classes in 12 municipalities of the community are suspended again, in the regions of the Northwest and the Guadalentín Valley. The schools that will not open their doors this Friday are those of the following municipalities: Mazarrón Cehegín, Bullas, Calasparra, Caravaca de la Cruz, Moratalla, Lorca, Puerto Lumbreras, Águilas, Aledo, Totana and Alhama de Murcia. Likewise, the elderly centers of these municipalities will also remain closed.
The town remains, next to the Northwest region and the Guadalentín Valley, and Águilas, in orange warning. Accumulated rainfall is expected in an hour of 20 liters per square meter. According to the Consistory, Lorca will remain in orange warning until ten o’clock at night.
“Lorca is the second largest territory in Spain. It has 38 districts, many channels and Ramblas, ”explained from the City of Lorquino to this newspaper. In the Lorquino municipality, the RM-C15 Rambla Salada and RM-D20 (El Garrobillo-Ramonete) remains cut.
The Consistory Lorquino has urged the population to remain in their homes: “Given the weather and continuous changes in the forecasts issued by the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), the City Council of Lorca recommends the entire population that does not leave their home.” Because of rainfall, classes have been suspended this afternoon in Lorca for the FP centers during the afternoon, the Music Conservatory, the Official School of Languages, the Night Baccalaureate, and the Adult Education Centers.
They have also warned through their social networks the danger of taking a car: “There are many streets and roads, the situation is delicate due to heavy rains,” they have detailed.
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