Five people had to be treated early this Sunday in a fire after an explosion that occurred in a home in Useraccording to Emergencies Madrid. The Madrid City Council Firefighters had to rescue one of the people who was inside the home where this incident occurred.
At around 00:30, a call was received alerting that a fire was breaking out on the second floor of an 11-story building located on Carabelos Street, in the Usera district. The Fire Department of the Madrid City Council went to the scene, rescued one person and extinguished the fire.
The Samur-Civil Protection paramedics treated five slightly intoxicated neighbors, of whom they transported two of them, the two people who were inside the house where the explosion and subsequent fire occurred. Among them were two minors who were also alone in another of the homes in the block. The National Police Agents, who also appeared at the scene, detained the parents, according to police sources.
The Firefighters also cleaned up the damage caused to the exterior enclosure. In the affected home, a room, the living room and the hallway were affected by the calls, indicates a spokesperson for Samur-Civil Protection. The origin of this explosion is unknown until now. The National Police has taken charge of the investigation.
Fire on a ship
This weekend there were two more fires in the region. One in the town of Patones and another in Alcalá de Henares. In none of them has anyone been seriously injured.
Around noon, the flames started in an abandoned industrial warehouse located at number 5 Varsovia Street in the Complutense municipality. Three people, who could live in this open-plan complex of 1,500 square meters, had to be rescued by the Firefighters of the Community of Madrid, according to reports from Summa 112.
Fire inside an industrial warehouse in the municipality of #AlcaládeHenares.
The fire was located in some piles of belongings and garbage that accumulated inside the ship. #FirefightersCM They have evacuated three people who were inside the facility.
— 112 Community of Madrid (@112cmadrid) January 18, 2025
Up to seven fire crews rushed to the scene and extinguished the fire that occurred inside this warehouse. The origin of the fire, determined by the emergency professionals who worked on the ground, was located in a pile of garbage and belongings, which began to burn and generated a large amount of smoke.
The three people who were in this industrial complex were evacuated and treated by the Red Cross and have not needed hospital transfer, according to emergency services.
The other fire that occurred yesterday in the Community of Madrid took place in the municipality of Patonesspecifically in an isolated chalet. Nine Firefighters from the Community of Madrid traveled to the two-story house of about 200 square meters, at number 7 Bravo Murillo Street.
It started as a chimney fire at 4:10 p.m. on Saturday and quickly spread to the front porch and also to the roof of the building, this being the most affected area. The work lasted several hours, according to Summa-112. This incident has not left anyone injured or intoxicated.
In addition to the fire crews that arrived at the scene of the fire, two ladder trucks worked at the scene to remove the roof tiles to put out the fire, which was located in the interior structure.
#poisoned #fire #explosion #home #Usera