«Approval, where appropriate, of the agreement regarding the distribution criteria of the Amount for the Assumption by the State of a part of the debt of the Autonomous Communities of common regime «. The sixth point of the agenda of the … Next Wednesday meeting of the Ministry of Finance with those responsible for that same portfolio in the 15 autonomous communities of common regime, within the framework of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, it will actually be the only truth point of the agenda: the Quita of autonomic debt. This is witnessed by the fact that it is the only issue that will be discussed at the technical meeting that will be held that same day at noon, when the Treasury is expected to transfer to the autonomous communities both the criteria that have determined unilaterally -or in the negotiations with Catalonia- to proceed to the so announced condonation of autonomic debt as the global amount that will be allocated to that end.
Because neither the call sent this Friday afternoon to the offices of the Ministry of Autonomous Finance nor the attached documentation details anything nor from the criteria that the government has decided to apply or the figures that will be raised to each of the autonomous communities. In fact, the sending of the Ministry states that “the documentation of the point corresponding to the agreement (…) will be sent as soon as possible.”
That is, five days before the meeting in which the supposedly beneficiaries of the debt for the hacienda will have to decide whether they support it or not, these They have neither the slightest track nor on the amount that he will assume the status of his liability or on the criteria that will be followed to carry out such an operation, beyond the famous 15,000 million euros of Catalan debt that the PSOE promised with ERC to deduct in the agreements for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.
Regional sources revealed this Friday that Hacienda has not maintained a single contact with them In recent months or about the criteria for an eventual remove or about the amount that would be precise to achieve the objective declared by the Government, that the autonomous communities can be able to finance themselves on their own in the markets.
Sources of the Ministry of Finance are limited to affirming that on the day of the meeting the autonomous communities will already know both the methodology followed and the amount of their debt that will be assumed by the State in this operation and remember that, in any case, it is about a process that must be approved by Congresswhich is where the negotiation that has not been maintained with autonomies is probably settled.
Regional financing, to the drawer
The governments of Autonomous Communities such as Madrid or the Valencian Community have sent this Friday. dodge the debate on regional financing at the meeting. “The financing problems of the CC.AA. will not be addressed, but the urgencies of the independence partners of the Government of Pedro Sánchez so that the Spaniards pay the puffs of so many years of waste of secessionism,” lamented the Minister of Finance of the Community of Madrid, Rocío Albert, in a statement.
“This demonstrates is a lack of respect and a lack of loyalty And that the Minister of Finance intends to use the Autonomous Communities as a mere troupe to bleach the clisoning of the debt, “complained the Minister of Finance of the Valencian Community, Ruth Merino, in a note circulated on the afternoon of this Friday. “Neither regional financing, nor the leveling fund, not even the deficit objective is included,” he said.
In fact, in the order of the day, the only non -administrative point included is the distribution of the collection of the new bank tax, which the Government also agreed with Catalan nationalism that would be allocated to the Autonomous communities according to a weight criterion in national GDP.
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