The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóosaid Monday that the proposition of the law that the PSOE registered in December in Congress to limit the private accusations, baptized by the PP as a Begoña law, only seeks the “Impunity” of the Government PresidentPedro Sánchez, Before the “corruption” that surrounds him. In addition, he has accused the Executive of “questioning justice constantly and continuously” and has been convinced that “it will be questioned even more” in the coming months.
In his speech at the opening of a conference organized by the popular group in Congress under the title Against impunityFeijóo has affirmed that the PSOE initiative is a “antidemocratic delirium” and a “more legislative spawn.” The opposition chief, who has reviewed some of the cases of alleged corruption that affect the government and the surroundings of Sánchez, has affirmed that “impunity is inhabiting at this time in Spain” and “has been climbing positions in a vertiginous way” .
Thus, he pointed out that “first was the payment that was paid to achieve power and maintain it” because, in his opinion, “Impunity were given With the same self -confidence that were given to assets “or” special courts were established for certain social classes. ” In a second stage, he continued, “impunity for irregular behaviors is soughtbehaviors that deserve judicial investigation and imputation of people who are closely close, political or party to power. ” “Not only is it sought through the resources available to any citizen, but legal reforms are promoted ad hoc And sometimes ad hominem against everything that Difficult impunity“
Feijóo has assured that “it has been precisely the fight against impunity that has allowed democracy to overcome the most difficult tests that it had to endure.” “With impunity, The coup, ETA terrorism or independence sedition would have triumphed And served as a breath for subsequent attempts, making democratic Spain something fragile and the weather that gives bands without a firm course as it happened in the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth century, “he warned.
After pointing out that “Impunity and democracy are incompatible”Feijóo has affirmed resounding that Spain “lives a process of unprecedented democratic erosion” in its recent history, since, as he said, the objective is to “undermine” the parliament, the opposition, the independence of the media and the independence of Justice. In fact, the leader of the Popular Party has stressed that justice is “questions” “constant and continuous” and has predicted that “it will be questioned even more in the coming weeks and in the coming months.”
“Only a government like the current one, without a parliamentary majority, with scarce democratic values And without further project than resisting power, I could be thinking of passing a law of impunity, “he said, to add that Sánchez with that law seeks to” free himself “of justice.
Go Sánchez “desperate”
According to Feijóo, “just someone with their political and family environment in a borderline situation” could become a priority of his government “Give Justice”expressly citing the case that affects his wife, Begoña Gómez; to his brother, David Sánchez; to his former minister and former two, José Luis Ábalos; or to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, “investigated for chasing his rivals.”
“Just someone so desperate I might think more about their personal problems than in the problem of Spaniards. The truth is that only someone like that intends to be able to escape justice, “he said, to ensure that the government with its” impunity law “what he wants is “Cover everything” and “hinder the work of justice.”
According to Feijóo, “no one who believes that he has fulfilled the law, would like to change it.” However, he has notified Sanchez that his efforts will be in vain. “Despite who weighs him, including the current government, Spain is and will continue to be a democracy. They have my commitment that This party will always defend the law. And therefore, the equality of the Spaniards before the law, “he guaranteed.
In this sense, he has indicated that, just as they have brought the “abuses” of the Government to European institutions or have resorted “unfair chances” of magistrates of the Constitutional Court, in this case Nor they will “let justice pass nor to the rights of citizens. “
Feijóo has greeted the presence in these days of a representative of the association Clara Campoamor And he stressed that this lawyer was “a woman of firm convictions who never submitted to arbitrary labels of turbulent time she lived.” “What is the warning that this pioneer figure of cordial feminism raises? For democracy is not something that remains for itself, but must be constantly cultivated and be attentive to all attempts to cut it,” he said.
“A Troops”
Along the same lines, the spokesman for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, said Monday that his party has Order at the Congress table that is not admitted to process The proposition of the law of the PSOE, an initiative that considers “mutually unconstitutional”. In addition, he announced that his training has begun to “alert” the EU of the “danger that norm involves.” “We know that we have to fight against this rule that drives the Socialist Party by conviction, but also because it is a democratic obligation“Tellado said.
Tellado has indicated that his party has registered a letter against the admission to process of that initiative, since, as he said, they consider that it is “evident and mightly unconstitutional”, just as “it happened before with the law of amnesty.” “We also know what the Congress table will do with that letter,” he said, assuming that he will be rejected. In addition, the PP leader has advanced that his training has “begun to alert the European institutions of the danger involved in this rule”, which he has referred to as “law of impunity” or “Begoña Law”. As he said, his party believes that It’s a “stumbling” And he wanted these days in the lower house “to give voice to those who have something to say.”
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