Just a few days after knowing the transfer to Catalonia of immigration management and border control, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has visited Tarragona this Sunday, where he has denounced the danger that this is for the «National Security and for … The security of Catalonia »while announcing his intention to fight so that the taxes of the Catalans and the Spaniards “do not go to the feast of the separatimos or to the purchase of governments here and there by the PSOE.”
In his speech, Feijóo claimed the PP as The only party in Catalonia capable of joining everyone And not to discriminate against anyone. “We are not going to let any Catalan feel a foreigner outside of Catalonia or that any Span Alejandro Fernándezleader of the PP in Catalonia, and Dolors Montserratspokesman for the party in the European Parliament.
On Europe, precisely, Feijóo also spoke, who criticized Pedro Sánchez’s lack of plan when addressing the most complex moment of the geopolitics of the last decades. «How are we going to work to strengthen the EU with the least reliable president. The world lives a crossroads and Spain has the least reliable president in Europe as a result of his parliamentary weakness, his weakness of principles and his sickly weakness for power. How are we going to respect ourselves if not he does not respect himself, breaches everything and Here the minorities send? ”, He asked the leader of the PP, who criticized that Sánchez« is assuming commitments on behalf of Spain without having budgets, without having consensus within his own government, with a broken parliamentary coalition, without speaking with the first party of Spain, without giving explanations and without asking authorization from Congress ».
Regarding the financing of Spain and Catalonia, Feijóo was running to “fight for money to spend well and your taxes and those of the rest of the Spaniards do not go to the separatist feast or serve to buy governments here and there by the PSOE. The supposed removal of debt, which is not such, does not finance people’s lives. What finances are the interests of separatism and the purchase of governments of the PSOE in the Government of Spain and in the Government of Catalonia ».
Interparliamentary in Seville
The Popular Party confirmed that at the end of the month an interparliamentary meeting will hold that will gather in Seville to deputies, senators, slopes and autonomous parliamentarians with the aim of providing solutions to the big problems that Spain is going through, both in housing, in health or education.
Prior to that meeting, which will take place on March 29 and 30, the popular will tour the country’s different territories to expose the challenges and proposals in different matters to citizens. On March 10, in Murcia, they will talk about education; on 12, in Madrid, social policies; on March 14, in Almería, of agriculture and livestock; on 15, in Córdoba, the armor of democratic values; on 17, in Zaragoza, of public health; on 18, in Toledo, of the fiscal model; On Santander, the challenges in culture will be analyzed; 22, in Mérida, of the future of young people; and on 24, in Alicante, Housing. Nine appointments that will lead to five days later in Seville, where they will be put in common.
#Feijóo #denounces #tax #money #serves #separatist #feast #purchase #governments #PSOE