Today, Saturday 29 September, the municipality of Tolmezzo in the province of Udine was the scene of a serious car accident which occurred during the tests of the rally from the Carnia.
A driver would have at some point lost control of his car, one Renault Clio Rally5skidding and crashing into a group of spectators. One of these is said to be in serious health conditions and was urgently transferred to hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia Of Udine.
The dynamics of the accident that occurred during the Carnia rally
According to the first reconstructions carried out regarding the dramatic episode, the driver from Treviso Mattia Zaninarrived on the line at the end of special stage n.5 “Val di Lauco”or a hairpin bend to the left, suddenly losing grip with the ground and crashing into a low wall on the right.
It was pouring at the time of the accident. The driver lost control of his car, hit the timing photocell and crashed into a group of spectators who were far from the road.
The race’s health service rescue team intervened immediately. One of them also intervened at the scene of the accident ambulance and thehelicopter rescue. The race, obviously, was immediately suspended.

Two people were injured, one of them seriously. The latter lost consciousness, was intubated and urgently transported to Udine hospital: he reportedly suffered a serious head and facial trauma. The man, in fact, would have rolled for about a dozen meters down an embankment after being hit by the car.
A second person, the wife of the other injured person, both over sixty, would have suffered less serious injuries and was transferred to Tolmezzo under the green code. The old lady would have a fractured femur and the suspected pelvic fracture.

The driver from Treviso Mattia Zanin and the navigator Matteo Pizzolor rather the occupants of car number 50, are fortunately escaped unharmed from a serious car accident.
The article Extremely serious accident during a car race, car overwhelms spectators, the situation is serious: where and what happened comes from Curler.
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