Chihuahua.- The three extraordinary elections that will be held in the municipality of Ocampo, where the mayor and the mayor’s office will be elected, as well as in Belisario Domínguez, where the head of the Municipal Council will be elected, will be held on December 8 and will cost 9 million pesos in total, according to the president of the IEE, Yanko Durán.
Yesterday, by agreement of the Legislative Plenary, the municipalities of Ocampo and Belisario Domínguez were urged to appoint from among their members the person who will perform the functions of their council until the person in charge of the same is elected and the Extraordinary Electoral Process concludes.
“The 68th Legislature of Congress
of Chihuahua, in an ordinary session, issued the Call for Extraordinary Elections, for the City Council and the Municipality of Ocampo, as well as the Municipality of Dr. Belisario Domínguez, to conclude the constitutional period 2024 – 2027,” he noted.
The ruling was presented by the Political Coordination Board, through the representative Arturo Medina Aguirre, coordinator of the PRI, who explained that, as a result of serious irregularities that occurred during the electoral day of June 2, 2024, various lawsuits were filed in electoral matters by the interested political parties, particularly in relation to the election of members of the city council and syndicate.
“Once the election was declared null and void and the Congress of Chihuahua was notified, this Sovereignty complies with the formalities and procedures established for the call, as well as in compliance with the resolution issued by the jurisdictional authorities in electoral matters,” said the legislator.
#Extraordinary #elections #cost #million