Feeling that it is not possible to dedicate a single minute of the day to exercising is just that, a feeling or a sensation. But it doesn’t have to be a reality no matter how full our agenda is with daily responsibilities, work and family. At least that is what José Ruiz defends (@malagaentrena), personal trainer and CEO of Malagaentrenawho ensures that staying asset does not require spending hours and hours in the gym and with just 10-15 minutes a day of exercise it is possible to obtain real results and improve health.
These sessions that he proposes are based on exercises of moderate intensity and maximum efficiency Well, as he explains, they seek to optimize each movement. But why are these types of express training effective? The key is in this approach: compound exercises with which several muscle groups are worked at the same time and are combinations of cardio and strength that help to enhance caloric expenditure and minimize rest time. “Thus, in 10-15 minutes you can achieve an impact similar to that of a longer session,” he says. Of course, the expert points out a nuance regarding the intensity at which one should work because, as he remembers, this is relative and must be adapted to each person. What is high intensity for an untrained person may be a moderate or even low level for an athlete. “When someone is out of shape, the minimum effort can be high intensity, so do not try to imitate what you see on the internet and always try to adapt physical activity to yourself,” he advises.
Benefits of express training
High intensity training in a short time has these advantages, as explained by the CEO of Malagaentrena.
1. Greater calorie burning in less time. Workouts where different muscle groups are worked at the same time allow a high caloric expenditure in a few minutes because they involve multiple muscle groups and raise the heart rate quickly.
2. Afterburning effect. After a session where the entire body is worked, even if it is short, it is demanding, therefore the body continues burning calories for hours due to the EPOC effect (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption).
3. Improves strength and endurance at the same time. The routines combine strength exercises with cardio, which improves both cardiovascular endurance and muscle toning.
4. Increases energy and productivity. Physical exercise improves circulation and oxygenation of the brain, increases concentration and reduces daily fatigue. It feels like a shot of energy although at first it seems like it’s hard for you.
5. cattack the excuse of lack of time. Taking just 10-15 minutes, these routines eliminate the “I don’t have time” barrier and can be done at home, at work, or outdoors.
6. It is adaptable to every level. From beginners to advanced, each person can adapt the intensity of the exercises to their physical capacity.
Two simple express routines
These are some of the simple exercises and routines proposed by the CEO of Malagaentrena, although he clarifies that in his YouTube channel (Malagaentrena_entrenadorpersonal) It is possible to access other formats of express training that can also be adapted to all levels. “Being in shape is not a question of time, but of how you take advantage of it,” he insists.
For beginners:
Structure of the routine: Warm-up (2 minutes), main circuit (6 minutes) and cool down (2 minutes).
Warm-up (2 minutes):
• March in place – 1 minute.
• Arm rotations – 30 seconds forward and 30 seconds backward.
Main Circuit (6 minutes): Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds. Complete two rounds.
• Air squats (lower controlling the movement).
• Knee bends (supporting the knees if necessary).
• Alternate strides (long step forward with control).
• Plank on your knees (keep your core activated).
Cooldown (2 minutes):
• Leg and arm stretch – 1 minute.
• Deep breathing – 1 minute.
For an advanced level:
Warm up (3 minutes)
• Jumping jacks – 1 minute.
• Trunk rotations – 1 minute.
• Knee raise – 1 minute.
Main Circuit (10 minutes). Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest in between. Complete two rounds.
• Burpees (complete, with push-ups and jumps).
• Jump squats (explosiveness in each repetition).
• Explosive push-ups (with clap if you can).
• Jumping lunges (alternating legs with power).
• Plank with shoulder touches (without moving the hips).
Cooldown (2 minutes):
• Dynamic stretches – 1 minute.
• Deep breathing – 1 minute.
Finally, personal trainer José Ruiz reminds us that the ideal is to start progressively and not try to do too much in a short time. The results will arrive, through adherence to the plan. But to do this you have to try to enjoy the journey.
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