The judge who has investigated the former deputy of Podemos Pablo Echenique for a crime of hate of article 510 of the Criminal Code, at the request of Christian lawyers, has opened an oral trial against the politician for an affirmation on Twitter against the collective of the priests.
In this publication denounced by the Association, Echenique said: “Statistically, it is much more likely that a priest commits a crime of sexual aggression against minors than that a migrant person criminally.
For Christian lawyers, the demonstration, of which Echenique himself recognized the authorship, constitutes a crime of hatred incitement and the discrimination of article 510.1 a) of the Criminal Code, in which it is contemplated that “they will be punished with a prison sentence of one to four years and a fine of six to twelve months: a) who publicly foster, promote or indirectly promote or indirectly incite Discrimination or violence against a group, a part of it or against a specific person by reason of their belonging to that, for racist reasons, anti -Semitic, antigitans or other references to ideology, religion or beliefs, family situation, the membership of its members to an ethnicity, race or nation, its national origin, its sex, orientation or sexual identity, for gender reasons, aporophobia, disease or disability. ”
He opted to keep it
In 2021, precisely the parliamentary group of Podemos in the Congress of Deputies proposed to suppress from the Criminal Code different crimes that collide with the right to freedom of expression, but not that of hate of article 510, which is why the Prosecutor’s Office has opened investigations to extreme right groups, as a frontal bastion, by messages against the collective of unaccompanied foreign minors.
The purple party did include in its proposal the suppression of other crimes that affect freedom of expression, such as those of insults to the crown (art. 490 cp); against religious feelings (art. 522 et seq); of offense and outrage to state institutions (art. 543 CP) and to exalt terrorism and humiliation to victims (art.578 CP). He did it after the manifestations in support of rapper Pablo Hasel, whom he was sentenced to prison at the worst enhancement of terrorism for the lyrics of his songs.
Now, the Court of Instruction No. 38 of Madrid He has ordered the opening of oral trial against Echenique for that tweet for which the accusation of Christian lawyers asks that he condemn a year in prison, six months of fine and the special disqualification for educational profession or trade. The Prosecutor’s Office did not accuse and requested the file of the case against Echenique, according to the documentation consulted by ABC.
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