When you create your own character in Dune Awakening you won't be able to choose length of his penis.
Okay, maybe out happy might not be clear then let's take a step back. Dune Awakening is a survival game currently in development by Funcon, known as the author of Conan Exile, also a survival game. In 2017, when it was published, it made headlines because it not only allowed you to see characters' penises without problems, but also to determine their length.
Mindful of this detail, PC Gamer asked Funcom if the same could happen in Dune Awakening. The answer is no, for a very specific reason.
It's not how long the worm is in Dune Awakening, but how you use it
Dune: Awakening executive producer Scott Junior said, “See, Isn't Dune so… sexy?…as much as Conan Exiles. He is not one of the main, I would say … pillars of the IP. So we want to focus more on what makes Dune itself than what we were doing in Conan Exiles.”
PC Gamer pushed a bit and asked if Funcom had ever thought about including the penis length option in Dune: Awakening, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
“I don't think so,” Junior responded. “It was quite a conscious decision to make at the beginning focus more on Dune than about the wild and sexy world of Conan.”
Speaking about the release date, it was asked if Dune Awakening will release in 2024.
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