The European Parliament confirmed the European Commission's position to extend the withdrawal of driving licence throughout the'European Union and to introduce sanctions also for exceeding the speed limits. For example, exceed by 30 km/h the limit in residential areas could lead to loss or suspension of the driving license at European level. These proposals, put forward by EU Commission in March 2023 to improve road safety, were approved. The new European Parliament, which will be elected in June, will have to complete the legislative process. As in any European measure, the proposal will now also be examined by the Member stateswho up to this point have not yet defined their position in Advise.
License withdrawal when traveling in Europe
If a driver loses their license for a traffic offense in an EU country other than the one that issued the licence, the fine is usually it applies only in the country where the infringement was committed and does not involve restrictions in other EU countries.
The reform proposed by the European Commission, approved by the European Parliament, instead provides that the suspension, restriction or revocation of the driving license be applied in all European countrieswith the obligation to transmit these decisions to the State that issued the driving license.
Beware of withdrawal, revocation and suspension throughout Europe
MEPs also added the “driving without a license” to the list of serious traffic violations, such as driving state of inebriation or thefatal road accident, which require the exchange of information at the state level on driving license revocation. The European Parliament asked to to include Serious infringements also include driving at 50 km/h over the speed limit, with an even lower threshold of 30 km/h for residential areas.

Parliament included in the package a maximum term of ten days working hours for member countries to exchange information on driving license withdrawals e 15 days to decide whether to apply it across the EU.
The driver must be informed of the decision within seven working days.
Parliament's position was adopted at first reading with 372 votes in favour, 220 against and 43 abstentions. Now it will be up to new European Parliamentelected in June 2024, complete the legislative process.
EU objective of zero road deaths
The road safety package presented by the Commission in March 2023 aims to achieve the objective of zero deaths on EU roads by 2050. According to Commission data, in 2022 there were 20,600 road victims, an increase of 3% compared to the previous year, following the return of post-pandemic traffic. It should also be underlined that between 2001 and 2010 the number of road deaths decreased by 50%, falling further by 50% between 2011 and 2020.
Read also:
→ Driving license, duration and expiry dates
→ Renewal of driving licence, documents, costs and medical examination
→ License renewal, PagoPA and CBILL payment
→ Read other related topics
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