One of the labor rights to which workers in Mexico have access is the pensioneither from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) or the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE).
In the case of the IMSS, if a worker If you want to retire before turning 65, as established by the laws of the social security agency, you may do so under the form of an early pension, although the amount you will receive per month will be 15% less..
Thus, we must keep in mind that, according to the IMSS calculator, Not leaving aside the fact that retirement at age 62 only gives access to 85% of the total pension, a worker who decides to retire from the labor market with a salary of 15 thousand pesos per month and a balance in the Afore of 555 thousand pesos, would be receiving 10,468 pesos per month, while if you retire at age 65 the amount would rise to 12,566 pesos.
IMSS early pension
In this way, in order to have access to the IMSS early pension, according to the Regime of the Social Security Law of 1997, the requirements are the following:
*That the person is less than 60 years old.
*Have a minimum of one thousand weeks of contributions in the Mandatory Social Security Regime.
*That the resources in the individual account are sufficient for a decent retirement.
*That the pension calculated in the Life Annuity System is more than 30% higher than the guaranteed pension, once the survivor insurance premium for its beneficiaries has been covered.
*Deregistration from the Mandatory Regime of the Social Security Law.
*Do not have paid work.
For their part, the documents that must be presented to the Mexican Social Security Institute are the following:
*Official identification with photograph and signature.
*Identification document issued by the IMSS, Infonavit or an Afore, containing the Social Security Number and the name of the insured or pensioner.
*Proof of address (date older than three months)
*Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).
*Proof of the insured's registration in the Federal Taxpayer Registry of the SAT.
*Account statement obtained from the AFORE website that manages the individual account or contract signed with the Afore.
*Document issued by the credit institution authorized by the IMSS, in which the account number and Standardized Bank Code appear.
*Birth certificate.
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