Millions of people around the world suffer from insomnia, a problem that makes those who suffer from it stay tired throughout the daynegatively affecting performance.
But fortunately, there are solutions. Asif Ahmeda British doctor very popular on TikTok, reveals in one of his videos that there is a simple supplement that “most people” could take to combat insomnia.
Dr. Ahmed says he has often helped his patients who came in complaining that “they had tried everything” and yet they could not fall asleep easily.
The doctor reveals that there is “a mineral that is probably low, even if the blood test result is normal, and you will benefit from trying it. That mineral is magnesium.”
Ahmed explains that a simple blood test might not show any problems at first glance, adding that this is because “only 1%” of the body’s magnesium It is found in the blood. Instead, most of it is already distributed among the cells.”
The doctor explains that normal blood results could still mean magnesium deficiency, adding that the only accurate test is a urine analysis.
Magnesium helps relax musclesincreasing melatonin levelsthe sleep hormone, and reducing anxiety. People can opt for a supplement or take a more natural approach and increase the amount of magnesium-rich foods in their diet. This includes foods like leafy green vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, and nuts.
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