09/06/2024 – 13:30
THE Dataprev opened a public competition to fill 236 vacancies and create a reserve list for mid-level and higher-level positions.
Opportunities are planned for all of the company’s units: Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará and Santa Catarina. The tests will be administered in all states.
Dataprev highlights that at least 5% of the vacancies offered will be reserved for people with disabilities, while for black candidates (black and brown), this percentage will be 20%.
+ New Ibama and ICMBio competitions will have more than 800 vacancies; see positions
+ The Correios competition will have 3,400 vacancies and salaries of up to R$6,872; see what is already known
Registration, which begins this Friday, the 6th, and continues until October 3rd, takes place online through the website of the company hired to carry out the selection, Getulio Vargas Foundation (see here).
The registration fee for higher level positions is R$100.00 and for mid-level positions it is R$80.00.

The multiple-choice objective test, for all positions and profiles, is scheduled for November 17, 2024, from 1 pm to 5 pm, according to Brasília official time.
Check out the positions and starting salaries below:
Higher Education
- R$ 9,173.62, for the position of information technology analyst (8 hours a day/40 hours a week), occupational physician (4 hours a day/20 hours a week) and occupational safety engineer (8 hours a day/40 hours a week);
- R$ 7,103.31, for the position of processing analyst (6h day/30h week);
Intermediate Level
- R$ 3,893.95, for the positions of nursing assistant (6h day/ 30h week) and occupational safety technician (8h/40h week).
In addition to the base salary and the activity bonus, employees will receive benefits and advantages such as: food/meal vouchers worth R$1,165.20; preschool or school assistance for children up to R$1,586.71; specialized treatment assistance for children with disabilities up to R$1,230.00; group life insurance; reimbursement for health care; Profit Sharing (PLR); Variable Bonus for Result; possibility of career progression and supplementary pension plan (Prevdata).
What is Dataprev?
Dataprev is linked to Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services and aims to maintain and expand digitalization initiatives, process automation and digital transformation of public services.

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