Cristina Pedroche was the absolute protagonist of the last broadcast of The Anthill in 2024. And the woman from Madrid revealed some details of her long-awaited, and discussed, dress in Antena 3’s Chimes.
But this Thursday, the collaborator of zapping She was not the only presenter of Campanadas present on the set of The Anthillsince Cristina Pardo was also there.
The driver of Better late She is a collaborator of Pablo Motos in the current affairs gathering, but she will also be the person in charge of saying goodbye to the year in La Sexta with Dani Mateo.
At the end of the interview with Pedroche, the Valencian gave way to the panelists (Tamara Falcó, Nuria Roca, Juan del Val and Pardo herself), and commented that I had already seen the presenter’s dress.
“I have seen your dress, I think it’s beautiful“Motos told his collaborator, pointing out the differences between the presenters of La Sexta’s Campanadas and those of Antena 3 due to the secrecy of Pedroche’s dress.
“I am very happy. It is incredible and very beautiful. It is not something that eats the dress, nor can you eat a lot to get inside the dress,” the journalist commented.
As a result of that comment, the ants Trancas and Petancas commented jokingly If your suit could be made of cotton candy or corn.

To continue talking about the topic, Motos pointed out that party dresses “make me feel uncomfortable and ugly”but both Pardo, Falcó and Roca contradicted him.
“No, ugly, no. There are wonderful dresses. But they are uncomfortable,” they commented. “I know people who, when they wear a party dress, don’t drink so they don’t have to go to the bathroom.”The Marchioness of Griñón added with a laugh.

#Cristina #Pardo #comments #Hormiguero #dress #Campanadas #Sexta #incredible