The vice president of the Government of Aragon, Cowboy seatoday presented in the Downtown space in Madrid the second edition of the Technological Congress The Wave 2025I know will celebrate on March 19, 20 and 21 at the Zaragoza Congresses Palace. In the event, Vaquero has encouraged attendees to “get on the technological wave of Aragon”, highlighting the effort of the Aragonese government for promoting innovation and business development in the region.
The vice president of the Government of Aragon has stressed that The Wave was born as a reflection with the aim of demonstrating the Technological potential of Aragonese companies. “In our first edition, we exceed expectations upon receiving more than 3,000 visitors,” said Vaquero, which has also stressed that, after the success of the First Congress, this year the proposal has tripled With the participation of more than 100 speakers.
In the national presentation of the event, which was attended by important collaborating companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Integra, Hiberus and Ibercajasome of the most prominent novelties of the 2025 edition were announced. Suzana Curic, general director of Amazon Web Services For Spain and Portugal, he reiterated his support for Congress, highlighting the company’s commitment to the digitalization and technological advancement of Aragon. “From the beginning, we have been next to The Wave and we will continue to surf the wave of digitalization,” said Suzana.
The CEO and founder of HiberusSergio López, emphasized the importance of people and their ability to adapt and improve their skills against technological advances. “The technology gives the answers, but it is the qualified professionals who must ask the right questions,” said López, noting that the challenge is how to properly take advantage of the potential offered by technology.
For its part, the CEO of IntegraFélix Gil, highlighted the speed with which Congress has managed to position itself as a national reference. “It is impressive what has been achieved in just one year. Now we have to work together to turn Aragon into a HUB World Technological, “Gil said.
The Wave will announce all the most promising technologies and how they are transforming the economy into the region, as well as the benefits it generates to the business and the business sector. It will have more than 100 speakers belonging to 30 top -level companies that will discuss the present and business future With technology as “conductive thread,” said the vice president of the Government of Aragon.
As for the novelties by 2025, Congress will focus on analyzing how artificial intelligence is promoting the transformation of companies and society. In addition, activities in 6 exclusive spaces such as The Wave Investan encounter between entrepreneurs and investment capital, The Wave Talenta space aimed at students of different educational levels to bring them the professional world, and Hack The Futurea Hackathon that will bring together technological companies to solve innovative challenges.
Innovation does not stop and The Wave 2025 is the proof that Aragon is ready to assume a leading role in the global technological panorama. Companies, experts and Startups They will find from March 19 to 21 the perfect space to connect, learn and anticipate the challenges of the present and future. The technological wave is underway and, with its next edition, The Wave promises to break more force than ever.
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