“Corona positivity” .. Interpreting results that are too long

And the “Today” website says that some people infected with the Corona virus continue to show positive results even 10 days after the diagnosis.

He adds that a person can finish his quarantine within 5 days, if no symptoms appear, according to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States.

But if you develop symptoms, you can end the quarantine if the fever stops for 24 hours (without antipyretic drugs), and provided that you recover from other symptoms.

The patient can apply these instructions after the completion of 5 full days of isolation.

And if the patient wants to take a quick Corona test, he can do so on the fifth day of quarantine (provided that you are free of fever for at least 24 hours), and if the result is negative, this is reassuring, but if the result is positive, you must continue isolation until the tenth day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that apart from ending the isolation date, anyone who tests positive should take precautions for the full 10 days, including wearing a medical mask while talking to others and avoiding travel and close contact with people at high risk of infection. Covid-19 disease caused by the virus.

Usually, positive results continue to appear in rapid tests for periods ranging from 6-10 days, and in some tests that are carried out by “BCR”, experts say that the matter of positive results may last up to weeks or months.

They explain that there are many factors that lead to the continued emergence of positive results, such as that the tests are different from each other and are not uniform, and that the Corona virus is in a state of constant mutation, and the equation variables are constantly changing, which makes it difficult to expect the end of the positive result.



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