The Congress of Deputies has refused This Tuesday start processing A law for Sareb to yield 80% of its properties for social rental and municipalities can invest their surplus in housing. The initiative came from the Parliament of Catalonia, where it had been promoted by ERC, but has encountered the rejection of PSOE and PP. Socialists have voted against the warnings of their usual partners, including Sumar, who has warned their coalition partner that “You can’t keep playing two sides.” For the parties to the left of the PSOE it was an opportunity to guarantee the social return of the bank rescue. The socialists see the “outdated” initiative and defend that the government already has a plan for the floors of the Sareb.
The proposition of the law whose takes into consideration has been debated on Tuesday in Congress, he raised to the SAREB to give in to the communities and municipalities the bulk of their properties – at least 80% of the houses and 50% of the urbanizable lands – acquired from the rescued banks during the financial crisis of 2008. “Citizens need a roof to live and the state, through Sareb, has closed floors And that they are falling apart, “Mar Mar Besses, Autonomous Deputy of ERC and in charge of defending the initiative with Representatives of Junts and Comú Podem, argued in the lower house.
The parties to the left of the PSOE agreed to claim the transfer of the floors inherited from the rescued banks with the aim of facilitating the current “journey” of the municipalities and communities to get these homes and advance in the extension of the protected housing park to stop the housing crisis. “This law highlights that the immense damage of the financial crisis remains in force, which asymmetrically hit the company,” added the deputy of Podemos Martina Velarde, who regretted that the State rescued the banks and formed Sareb with its toxic assets while thousands of families were evicted.
“Sareb is an example of a clearly failed model that has served more for speculation That to guarantee social housing, “said the deputy of adding Aina Vidal, who urged the socialists to support the proposal, also backed by Junts and PNV.” In each rally they repeat that housing cannot continue to be a merchandise. Today they have the opportunity to prove it, “Vidal said addressing their coalition partners and notifying them that the solution to the housing problem does not go to bet on construction.” They do not start again with the construction career that brought a nightmare to this country. It would be to start a bubble again, “he warned.
“We share the concern of the citizenship in housing and like the music of the proposition, but we believe that the lyrics have been outdated,” replied the socialist deputy Gonzalo Redondo, who stressed that Sareb is the result of the “poorly cured wound” left by the management of the PP of the 2008 crisis. The PSOE assured that the proposed transfer of the more than 30,000 homes of the ‘Banco Malo’ municipalities has no tour because The Government intends to transfer them to the new public housing company.
Pedro Sánchez’s formation was also not in accordance with the second point of the proposal debated on Tuesday: reforming the Budget Stability Law so that The municipalities can dedicate their surplus to invest in housing. “This proposal can contravene the European framework in the field of budgetary stability and promote a breach of the deficit at the national level,” said Redondo, which also warned of the risk of this change from translating in a “undercover” transfer towards the municipalities of housing competencies “that burn in the hands of some autonomous communities.”
The PP also pointed to a competition problem and described as “little support” the initiative from the Parliament. In his opinion, A assignment such as the proposal would cause the Sareb floors to end up in the hands of the communities And not of the municipalities, which currently can reach agreements with the ‘bad bank’ to acquire the homes that are in their territory.
Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party defended in the parliamentary debate that Sareb was created to manage and liquidate the assets of a bank restructuring with which, in his opinion, “the savings and deposits of millions of citizens who had risks of getting lost.” “Believes from assets, far from a social return involves increasing the cost of restructuring”explained the popular deputy Santi Rodríguez, pointing out that the free transfer of the floors would prevent entering them and, thereby, reducing the debt contracted by the State with the bank rescue.
For its part, Vox also vote against, rejecting both the content and the origin of the proposal. “The objective of this proposal of law is to put more resources in the hands of politicians causing housing to be the main problem of Spaniards,” said Deputy Pablo Sáez. For the Santiago Abascal party the rejected initiative intended “Play your back on the responsible management of public accounts”, give up reducing public debt already carry out a national housing policy and “dynamit” public-private collaboration.
#Congress #rejects #votes #PSOE #forcing #Sareb #give #homes #social #rental