• Introduction:
He Tax Administration Service (SAT)in line with your Master Plan 2024has entered a update important in the Prefilled Declarationsnow extending to Value Added Tax (VAT).
• Explanation:
The main modification is that, both Physical persons as moralswhen accessing the tax payment system, you will find the VAT collected and creditable VAT data pre-filled. These are based on the digital tax receipts issued and received (PUE) and the Complementary Payment Receipts of the corresponding period.
• Comments:
It is crucial that companies pay special attention to not issuing uncollected PUE invoices and properly managing Payment Supplement Receipts, both issued and received monthly. This will ensure that the amounts declared for VAT match the tax documents.
This change in the procedure for provisional VAT payments seeks to simplify and make the tax process more efficient (supervise), while guaranteeing greater precision in the declarations.
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#Provisional #VAT #Payments