For 2024 they were born in Spain 322,034 babies, which represents 0.43% more than the previous year, 1,378 births, more, According to the still provisional figure, published on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This minimal rise breaks the trend of free fall of birth of the last decade, although it keeps Spain in the lower fertility rates since 1941.
In the last decade the number of births has suffered a continuous downward trend, but in 2024 he would have experienced A slight rise, still pending confirm with the definitive data.
Are estimates are made from the INE from registration in civil records Informatized, they offer a progress of data on the number of births, deaths and vegetative growth of 2024, but have a markedly provisional character and may suffer variations during the next months.
According to the INE, in recent years it is observed that the decrease in the number of births has been accompanied by A delay in maternity age. An indicator with which the INE reflects this delay is the number of births of mothers of 40 or more years, which has grown 8.5% in the last 10 years. In relative terms, while in 2014 7.2% of births were of mothers of 40 years or more, in 2024 that percentage rose to 10.4%. That is to say, One in ten newborns in Spain has a mother of more than 40 years.
Negative vegetative balance
During 2024 it is estimated that 439,146 people died in Spain, 0.7% more than in the previous year. By age and sex, the greatest decrease in deaths in relative terms was observed in people between five and 29 years in men (-6.1% compared to 2023), and in people from 85 to 89 years in women (- 6.0%).
This way, The vegetative balance of the population (the difference between births and deaths that occurred in Spain) was negative in 114,937 people according to the provisional data of the year 2024.
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