“I don’t know if the Federation will still be hungover from the Olympic Games, but the hundred days of grace have already passed”
The new general assembly of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation held its first meeting a few days ago, where the new president, Chimo González Devesa, and his board of directors publicly presented their action plan. As expected, everything was evidently approved without opposition, as established by the canons. They have four years ahead of them to do things, although they will not really be new things, since it is about a continuing president and board. At least in the management positions they remain the same as always. More of the same or renewal? We will see what the new president decides.
I don’t know if the Federation will still be hungover from the Olympic Games, but the hundred days of grace have already passed – the elections with a consensus candidate were in July. For now, at least in terms of the gallery, very little movement has been seen, quite the contrary. The RFEV must begin to get its act together, time passes very quickly and the fact that the Games are in Los Angeles complicates the logistics compared to Marseille.
To give a recent example, we still don’t take advantage of what we have at home. There are federations that are already beginning to move their younger teams, we could see it in the Christmas Race, where Italian, British, French and Polish teams participated, which brought Palamós to its promises in ILCA, 420 and 29er. Others preferred not to measure themselves internationally. Matter of taste.
I don’t doubt that it is not working, but I don’t know if it is very hard or at half throttle. Maybe the work should begin to be palpable, something to be seen. In a few days a new year begins, and with it we hope that the new Federation begins to show signs of life after this long lethargy.
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#Awakening #lethargy