Each of the interviewees has mentioned a different job and has indicated the amount of money per month that these professionals should win
There are many people who choose a profession depending on the salary. And although the vocation is important, the salary is also.
However, there are those who consider some jobs They are not very well paid. It also happens that within the same sector there are employees who earn enough money to live comfortably and others, however, can only enjoy a minimum income.
But what do young people think about it? Nacho Pla He has gone out to ask people What is the profession that should charge more in Spain. The answers have been very varied and there has been no consensus.
The profession that should charge more money, according to the Spaniards
The Creator of Content Nacho Pla has taken to the streets to ask people what is the profession that should charge more money in Spain. In addition, he asked the interviewees to indicate the salary that these professionals should win At the end of the month.
Doctors: 100,000 euros per month.
Teachers: 3,000 euros per month. “To be better selected,” justifies a girl.
Farmers: 10,000 euros per month. “The conditions in which they work have to be in the field with the sun, the rain …”, explains a young man.
Entrepreneurs: 100,000 euros per month. The person says there is “fiscal pressure.”
Firefighters: 7.00 euros per month.
Factory workers: 3,000 euros per month.
Psychologists: 3,000 euros per month. A young woman says that “his work is very important.”
Footballers: 30,000 to 50,000 euros per month because “they are the ones that generate the most.”
As you can see, the answers have been very varied and There has been no consensus. In any case, all people have shared their opinion and explained the reasons to affirm that these professionals should be the ones who win the most money in Spain.
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