Animal of the week | Sea potato is not covered by a universally binding collective agreement

Year changes and the quarter turns. Again, the human animal is oppressed by the pressure of even greater expectations of returns and the need to work harder and harder.

Be a sea potato.

Sea potato wallowing in the mud for days on end and Siviliöi sapuska under the sunny beaches.

Sea potato is not covered by a universally binding collective agreement. It can be up to ten years on sick leave without a medical certificate.

At that point it usually already dies, but at least it has been allowed to live a free life.

At issue is therefore an animal, basically very distantly related to us humans as well.

Specifically, a creature belonging to the sea urchin family called Echinocardinum cordatum. In English “sea potato”, because it resembles a hairy potato.

In Finnish, there is no universal species name for him, but perhaps we can now collectively agree that he is a sea potato.

The sea potato is a confusing animal. It literally messes up the sea floor. The bottom of the sea is not confused by the action of the sea potato in itself, it is already used to the sea potato's jerks.

All the bottom sediment is dissolved and oxidized when the sea potato works its magic, i.e. Sieve food from the bottom, close to the shore.

Sea potato therefore engages in bioturbation. Even daily.

If a sea potato is asked in a job interview where it sees itself in five years, the answer is that it is 20 centimeters deep in the bottom mud.

Of course, it can't see anything. Sea potatoes have no eyes.

We also don't know if the sea potato goes to heaven when it dies. Sea potatoes are sometimes washed ashore in England, for example. They leave behind a white, shell-like shell.

Sea potato a relative is the sea sausage. So someone has once seen on the beach that this sea urchin looks like a potato and that one looks like a sausage.

This is how it goes.

Could you combine them? If you chopped it up and fried it in a pan, how would sea sausage potatoes taste? Ketchup on top?

#Animal #week #Sea #potato #covered #universally #binding #collective #agreement

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