The actress Andrea Luna He reported that criminals stole his truck during the night of Monday, March 18, in the Miraflores district. The artist who was part of well-known Peruvian TV soap operas was concerned about the situation she is going through, since not only was her vehicle taken away, but she is also a victim of extortion, since they demand a large sum of money from her to supposedly return her property.
What happened to Andrea Luna?
The theater, film and TV artist is worried after suffering the theft of her truck, which she had left parked near her home, in Miraflores. Therefore, she spoke withThe Republicto give details of the situation of insecurity of which he was a victim. In addition, she told how the criminals contacted her and the method with which they intended to defraud her with the false hope of returning the vehicle.
According to his testimony, he initially thought that a tow truck had taken the car to a warehouse; However, that version was discarded after going to the police station in his district. In an attempt to get help, he tried to turn to the PNP, but with no response.