The price of fuel in Spain has not stopped rising in recent years, becoming one of the highest monthly expenses for citizens. Both individuals and companies that depend on transport have seen how Fill the tank It has become a true headache.
This situation forces many to try to reduce their consumption and optimize each liter. On this topic, the Instagram account of the Gasolinera Repsol García Camacho has spoken, a profile that has become popular in social networks for sharing information about the different types of fuels and how to maximize its consumption.
Tips for saving fuel
According to one of the workers of the service station, one of the keys to save is to maintain a soft driving, avoiding sudden accelerations and unnecessary brakes. The constant speed, he explains, is somewhat vital to reduce consumption, since sudden rhythm changes generate a higher fuel expense.
In addition, it indicates the importance of frequently reviewing the pressure of the tires, since Inadequate pressure It increases the resistance to filming and, therefore, increases the consumption of the vehicle, in addition to the risk for the security it supposes.
Another aspect that stands out is the weight of the car. Wearing unnecessary charges implies greater effort for the engine and, consequently, a higher fuel spending. Therefore, it recommends removing from the trunk those objects that are not essential. It also advises to turn off the engine in prolonged stopsas in long traffic lights or waiting for someone, since leaving it on is unnecessary consumption.
Finally, the worker underlines the importance of vehicle maintenance. Having filters and oil in good condition not only prolongs the useful life of the car, but also contributes to more efficient consumption, since a well lubricated engine requires less fuel to function properly.
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