Although the brand violence like never before the sunday electionsFrom the Palace everything looks “very good” and they want to reduce the problem.
The Federal Secretary of Security, Rosa Icela RodríguezHe said yesterday that there are 22 and not 34 the assassinated candidatesyes:
“To date there have been eight homicides of officially registered persons before him INE or before the local electoral institutes. This is the official number of candidates. There was also four regrettable homicides of pre-candidates, that is, people who were officially registered with their parties but did not achieve official registration. There have also been, unfortunately. 10 homicides of unregistered applicants officially before their matches or before the INEbut that they were mentioned for a position, or they said they aspired to some popularly elected position…”.
And nothing about the family and collaborators of candidates which have also been murdered.
For him President López Obradorthe difference is explained by “the sensationalismhe alarmismhe sensationalism” of the media “traditional” and organizations “linked to conservative bloc and agencies “funded” by the United States government.
He ventured:
“Seems liebut they are managing the human pain for political reasons; not even for political reasons because what they are defending are privileges that they had and that they lost. What they are defending is that the corruption that there was and that leads them to lie…”.
On the same morning, the Secretary of the Navy, Rafael Ojeda Durán, reported that there are a total of 260,788 soldiers and national guards deployed to ensure peace, plus an additional 27,245 to take care of the elections:
Three thousand 474 take care of the candidates: 24 for each presidential candidate, 10 for each candidate for one of 11 governorships, six for each of 185 candidates for senator and federal deputy, six at the service of each of 354 candidates for local deputies and city councils and six for each of seven “officials related to the electoral process.”
Six thousand 37 soldiers and national guards are responsible for securing the electoral paperwork.
“In addition to the National Security Strategy with 233,543 elements,” said Admiral Ojeda, due to the elections the figure was reinforced with another 27,245 to reach a total of 260,788 elements “of the Armed Forces, but, above all, everything, from the National Guard.”
Hours before and while these reports were being given in the Palace, they shot at the MC candidate for mayor of Tehuacán and shot at the truck of the Green candidate for Chalco.
But president imagines another reality:
“The elections are going to be –it’s my prediction– cleanest, freest in the history of Mexico. Our adversaries, the conservatives, bet that there was going to be violence, they bet on that, and fortunately it has not been like that.”
Why then so much military deployment…?
More from the same author:
#AMLO #electoral #violence