Mario Gas directs a staging of the work of the Lebanese-Canadian author
Wajdi Mouawad -
Coto Adánez -
Mario Gas -
Sebastian Brosa -
Locker room
Antonio Belart -
Carla Belvis -
Original music and audio scene
Orestes Gas -
Video scene
Alvaro Luna -
Aleix Peña Miralles, Candela Serrat, Vicky Peña, Manuel de Blas, Pere Ponce, Anabel Moreno, LucÍa Barrado, Juan Calot, Núria García and Pietro Olivera -
Canal Theaters, Madrid
Wajdi Mouawad (Beirut, Lebanon, 1968) is one of the great totems of current dramaturgy. He has developed most of his career in Canada, where he arrived at the age of 15, and, since 2008 he presented ‘Incendies’ at the then Naves del Español,…
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